Chapter 26

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(I'm back)

Percy's POV

"Just do it Nico" Hazel said as she looked at her brother with a serious look "we need to make sure he is the real Leo" 

"I don't want to Hazel!" Nico said and stepped back 

I looked at the small group of people with a pout, they were forcing Nico into doing something he didn't want to... I had to stop this.

"guys, come on, I'll distract her. No need to force Nico" I said with a, sort of, confident voice. They all looked at me, I smiled slightly and looked around. Everyone nodded. I felt Annabeth grip my hand tightly.

(y/n)'s POV

I sat next to Leo's bed, they had changed his clothes and cured his wounds. I grabbed his hand softly, his always warm hand was cold... really cold. I grabbed his hand with both of my hands and sighed 

"What happened Leo?" I asked outloud. I know I wasn't gonna get an answer, 1 because Leo was asleep. 2 He might not even remember.

A couple of minutes passed by, I felt Leo's hand move slightly. I looked at him. He opened an eye and grinned "Hello there" He said

I smiled back at him and helped him sat up. We stared at each other for a couple of minutes. He kept his grin and I kept my smile. I didn't want to ruin the moment at all. But it obviously had to end... I had to much questions to ask.

"Leo" I said and cleared my throat. I took a small breath "What happened? and where were you?" I asked as calm as I could

Leo sighed and frowned, he looked away and I started to miss his goldenish brown eyes. I tried to look back at them but he kept his gaze away. "I don't remember all of it" he mumbled "I just remember a room... and weird noises.... fire as well." He said and turned to look at me "Can we not talk about it?" He asked as he looked back into my eyes.

I sighed and nodded "Okay, Leo" I said and placed a hand on his cheek as I held his hand with the other. "But if you remember anything you have to tell me" I said and he nodded, he began to lean in for a kiss. Damn I never thought I would miss his kisses. I smiled and leaned in slightly so he wouldn't have to lean in so much.

Before our lips touched, someone walked in. REALLY?? NOW??!?!?!?! I wanted to look at the horrible person who ruined our moment but before I could... Leo kissed me, he kissed me softly but urgent, as if he missed me. I closed my eyes before I felt someone pulling me back from the kiss. I opened them and looked at the person... of course it had to be Percy.

"Hey hey you might be back but my sis is still my sis." Percy said and glared at Leo in a playful way. Leo chuckled and ran a hand threw his hair. 

I let go of Leo's hand and looked at both, Percy hugged Leo and Leo gladly hugged back "I'm glad you're back" I heard Percy say. I guess after all he does like Leo.

"same here" Leo said and pulled from the hug and looked at me "If you'll excuse me I feel like kissing your 'sis' Again" he said to Percy and looked at him with a grin

"Not now Valdez, not now" Percy said and crossed his arms over his chest "we have to talk" he said and looked at me and then at the door "(y/n) Could you please excuse us?"He asked. 

I almost laughed, I wasn't gonna leave Leo alone now. Like, I will be protective over him. I missed him and I want to be with him. I want to be with my BOYFRIEND. so, no Percy. I'm staying.

As I thought about saying no, my body was thinking something different because I nodded and walked out. 

{HELLO PEOPLE! I'm so sorry for not updating earlier, all the comments and votes made me realize you guys actually like this fanfic. so yeah, I decided to continue haha. Rn I'm at a boarding school, I might be able to update more often without my noisy parents! Anyway, I wanted to thank you guys for all this support and for liking it. haha. Btw I love your comments xD, like, they are really, really, really funny haha. they always make me laugh so thank you for bringing a smile on my face when I'm in public checking my email. wohoo. Well, I hope you guys like it, I'll try and write more tomorrow}

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