Chapter 16

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"YOU KISSED NICO?!?" Leo started to freak, i kinda ignored the fact he say I did it, because it wasn't me who actually wanted to kiss Nico
"I didn't" I said confident "he kissed me, i didn't kiss him"
"But admit it! You liked it" Nico said, i blushed and looked away
"Okay, that's it!" Leo said, he threw a punch at Nico, before he could hit Nico i stepped in
Pain ran threw my jaw, he hit the bottom so i fell back. He gasped
"(Y/n) you idiot!" Nico said as he caught me. I rubbed my jaw "are you okay?!"
"Yeah" I said and looked at him "hurts a little, Leo hits like a girl"
"I'm so so sorry" Leo said "and i don't hit like a girl" he added as he grabbed my arm and pulled me in his arms

[]sorry it's short but i didn't had time and well, it's sunday :/ and yeah, the story is coming back on every saturday. Soooo.... Question of the day from now on:
Does anyone reading this likes Jack Gilinsky? Comment your answer :)
Love, Ana[]

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