Chapter 2

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Dear Diary,

I decided that when I believed I was in love with Andre was just a momentary lapse on my part. As this morning I woke in his arms and he was lying beneath me. The feelings had been an oasis within my mind as I dreamt. I mean really, me and Andre? Never in a million years would we end up together as we are practically siblings. But as he still lie sound asleep on the couch I left him to catch up on rest as I got up and went to the kitchen and made scrambled eggs and smoothies. He woke shortly after I had finished making breakfast when I realized how adorable he looked sleepy eyed and yawning. Bloody hell I, didn't just say that did I? Okay forget that as I had to go home and change. Andre had to go visit his grandma as she had to discuss with him finding a bride in the month before our birthday. I mean I felt bad since he was the prince and, had to find a bride within his twenty first year. I mean I was nearly in the same boat as he was except I was just forced to wed someone that was related to him or that had a title. I hated that. This life was all about all that you had and what you could do for people. Never at all did people end up truly happy.

 I mean all I want is to be on stage... I kept thinking about that as it came to me when I had came back home. When Mia and I began talking as she was in my room to clean I brought up how I was feeling about Andre. She believed that it was only natural that I felt that way as we had grown up together. The two of us were always connected. Online, texting, IM, calls, and in person we were always there for one another. Mia kept mentioning how the two of us relied on one another and eventually that bond could grow into a permanent relation. I didn't believe her as I kept telling her my plan of how to escape this life to one on stage. She was always supporting me as I was consistently confused as to whether or not I would ever go. Mia was not only my maid but, also a close friend. The way she helped me with issues and gave advice she was practically a replacement mother figure. She told me I had all the money and the passion I needed and what was missing was the drive to leave this place. I wanted to, so incredibly bad but what would Andre think? Would he believe that I was leaving him forever or would he support my choice?

 Who was I kidding? Really, I mean his has much more important issues to handle as he was practically being forced to marry someone.  That was when it came to me, I had to leave. Me leaving would prove whether or not I loved him as he did me. If I left it meant that I wanted only for him to be happy and to be able to find someone to eventually be king. However if I left if he had any feelings for me he would find some way to tell me. Was I really trying to plot a plan for my best friend to see if he liked me? Wow, I must be going mental or something I thought when I heard laughing in the background. I realized that I was talking of my plan out loud and Mia had heard the entire thing. Fantastic, the plan was set then. I was going to leave this evening as mum and dad had to go to some fundraiser thing. That would be my escape.




Captain O' Captain,

You are friendly, kind and caring,

sensitive, loyal and understanding,

Humorous, fun, secure and true.

Always there... yes that's you.

Special, accepting, exciting and wise

Truthful and helpful, with honest blue eyes

Confiding, forgiving, cheerful and bright

Yes that's you... not one bit of spite.

You're one of a kind, different from others

Generous, charming, but not one that smothers

Optimistic, thoughtful, happy and game

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