Chapter 7

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Speaking from the Heart,

Andre is so sweet. I have learned something as he and I were talking about if we were to marry. The two of us have already been beside one another for our lives. I mean we were even born on the same day and, have shared birthday parties ever since, and shared the last dance of the balls that were thrown. Seriously, who can say that their best friend cheered them up after a break-up by drinking themselves under the table? Drinking ourselves under the table also allowed me to lose my virginity and avoid a possible one night stand with an utter stranger. I don't think anyone could say this because, I don't think anyone has experienced it. Truth is I sort of always loved Andre. It went from a nearly brotherly love in the early years, to a simple crush. Developing further as he saw my heart broken too many times and as he helped me through it all he was able to stick by me even in my worse moments.

As I blistered myself beyond anything as I practiced ballet in the studio mum and dad had made in the spare room next to my bedroom. The pain was unbearable but I loved it with all my heart and I believe that was perfectly clear the first time I ever let Andre watch me as I practiced. The way his eyes sparkled and shimmered with a glossy appeal was stunning. It made my heart skip to see the long, clear smile he spread across his face. It also seemed to be the very same smile that always showed when I made him laugh by one of my actions or something I said or the simplicity that had become my presence. Yeah, I guess I have to admit it. I am buried over my head in passionate, sincere love for Andre Theodore Winthrup.



Let Me Count the Ways,

Stell and I started talking as I thought of me still having to be paired to marry someone as an idea of who it should be came to mind. The nerves began to melt as I began to tell her of what I was thinking of. I was absolutely positive at what I needed to tell her but, unsure of what her reaction would be like. I knew that I wanted this so bad as long as it meant that we would be together for as long as our lives exist.

*      *     *     *

Stell, can I ask you something?

Um, sure? Go ahead and ask away.

You and I have been together all of these years. I have seen you in the best and worst moments as you for me. But I believe that you and I could never part from one another without destroying the beautiful love we have for one another. That is why I was hoping that, we could settle my nerves and allow me to follow the heart. Let’s change that promise ring to an engagement ring. Will you, Stella Michelle Cambridge will you marry me? As well prevent me from even consider any of those fake Barbie doll socialites to be in my life?

* Brief moment of silence *

An-dr-dre, of course!

*      *      *      *

That was the absolute single best idea I have had yet, I believe in my lifetime. I just wanted to tell the world, how happy I was and how wonderful I felt as it reminded me of the first time I saw her dance. I love Stell always have and will always. She is my princess. As I hope she and I will change our world for the better. By letting some new traditions and styles follow in her path of beauty and truth.



Speaking from the Heart,

Andre just asked me to marry him. I am so happy and full of passionate bliss but, I am worried about how everyone else will take it. Though I know that he will stay the same, calm and collect guy I have always known.  So he and I just sat together there for a while after he asked me. We sat quietly for awhile before he was curious as to whether or not I had still been dancing while I was out here in LA. I told him of course as that was the one thing besides singing that could get me on a stage. He just laughed. Then I brought up if he would want to go downstairs and watch me dance for a while. I hadn't in the day in a half he had been with me and his face lit up when I asked.

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