Chapter 3

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* * Hello to all of my wonderful readers!! * *

First I want to thank you if you're still reading this even though, I sort of forgot about it. (Sorry) But I do want to clear up as to why there is the 'O Captain my Captain" and the "Day to Day Andre' poetic sense always put around Andre. I felt that in order to make things have a deeper metaphor sort of sense to them that I would have Andre be a bright man who has a fluent language in poetry. As a personal metaphor being the poem by Walt Whitman is mourning the death of a successful leader, Abe Lincoln. But in reality it is the meaning to Andre that his and Stella's relationship could die as well. So by him constantly reminding himself of the possible end of their fate he will keep his mind on what he wants to accomplish for himself, his country, and with Stella. Thus my complete explanation for Andre's journal introductions as it was bit of an odd change to notice.

Enjoy the mini-lesson and the story! :D

Oh, and the song that Stella sings is in the sidebar, enjoy!

-Mel <3


Dear Diary,

I left my hotel room for a short time to go and see about that online job advertisement. The great news is I am the new waitress at Bliss. The even better news is that I will be the opener every night as the manager and I hit it off well. He had heard of my family before but, as I asked he puts all things of that matter to the side. So I started tonight and did pretty well. I worked for ten hours in my most comfortable Louboutin pumps and a corset/tutu styled dress.

I ended my night on a high note with a little under a thousand dollars for my night and was able to impress my boss to greater lengths with my talent. Singing a favorite alternative song I went on and added a sultry R&B voice to the mix. At the end of the night I felt so wonderful. I had this sort of radiance and glow to me that I knew that was exactly what I needed. Ending my day I headed back to the hotel to get some shut eye. I was exhausted and now bid adieu, as I head off to bed. Finishing this hell of a week off properly I had a day off and, a good day lounging in bed and watching Television. First a little room service and chocolate covered peanuts and fizzy flavored water. Yummy!




O Captain, my Captain,

I have to regret to inform you that one of the guards caught onto my plan. However my luck was on my side as it turned out to be Luca whom is one of the guards near my age. Even better for me, I was able to get him to come along on the jet to the states so that I could get past the Royal Air. We landed only a while ago as I have been able to get a location on Stella. Somehow Luca was able to track her by her phone or some sort and now we're heading off to go see her.

 I am so unbelievably nervous to see her. I mean it has been a whole week. I don't know with her dashing looks or incredible voice that she would even be, single anymore. Someone so much superior than I could have gone up and swept her from her feet. They would take the place as her Romeo before I could claim the spot. I could never possibly compete with anyone who could have stolen her heart. I had enough thinking of all the negative possibilities that could happen. We are on our way through the city to see where she is at. My all the luck in the world be on my side.


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