Chapter 2

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It was the day after we’d met ‘whatsyanames’ sister and her ‘ginger friend’. They seemed like really awesome people and I was glad we all exchanged numbers, I think they would be really good friends.

Message to DANNY: Dude have you spoke to them yet?

Message from DANNY: Nope, you?

Message to DANNY: No, I think you should text Laura!

It was so obviously clear that Danny had a thing for Laura. They were actually flirting all night! I waited for Danny’s reply. It didn’t come. I assumed he was talking to her. There was a knock at the door and when I opened it Dougie and Harry were there. He had done the London marathon yesterday and he ran the full 26.2 miles and didn’t get on the telly once when Mo Farrah only ran half of it and he was on TV like 10 times!!! So not fair I mean, he’s a famous athlete for goodness sake it was unfair! He was always on telly for sport I think Harry should have got on telly for doing something different to his normal stuff! Any way, rant over.  The boys came through the door and went straight into my kitchen. They went and got a beer each and then they came and sat in front of my TV. They still hadn’t said anything to me.

“Hello” I said sarcastically “Hi Tom, do you mind if we go get a beer? Why no Harry its fine, make yourself at home”

Dougie turned round.

“Hi” he said

“Danny’s on his way” Harry told me. About 20mins later he arrived at my house. He pulled his car into the spare space on my drive. He wasn’t alone in his car. He got out and walked around to the other side and opened the door. A girl with curly ginger and blonde hair got out. They both walked up to my door and came inside.

“Hey” Laura said (She was the girl) she was polite. You could tell us boys had been around each other too long when Danny did the exact same thing as Dougie and Harry.

“You know what I’m not even going to waste my breath. No Alex with you?” I asked her.

“Nope, she wasn’t invited” Laura laughed

“Oh, I’m surprised you’re here! You look different when you don’t have an Alex stuck to you” I joked

“Yeah it’s depressing not being PVAed to my PVA buddy!” she said. The conversation kind of died down and Laura went and spoke to the others before settling down next to Danny. They were so going to get together! I told everyone to leave because I was booked in too get my tattoo sorted out because it was looking pretty bad.


We all left Tom’s house. It was really nice inside and big! Me and Danny went out for a walk. He took me somewhere where there were lots of horses. I loved it. I’ve decided I’m going to marry Danny.

“You like horses then” He asked rhetorically. It was obvious. I stole Alex’s pun (is it a pun? Or something else? Oh well.)

“Obviously” I said to him. One of the horses looked just like my baby boy Red.

“I have a horse” I said “He’s called Red and he looks just like that” I said pointing to the gingerish horse in the field.

“mhm” He said. Clearly not a horse person but I could over look that due to his personality and his appearance. We walked back to where he had parked his car then we went to McDonalds. Alex would be so jealous. She had been texting me all day and I hadn’t replied once. Oopsies?  We finished our meal and by this time it was half 8. (Oh, I forgot to say that Laura and me is like 20 or something cos they’re 25 and 27 and no I could not care less about the age gap!) He drove me back home and then he left after asking me something.

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