Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sound of my dogs scratching the door to go out into the garden. I stood up and let them in the garden then went into the kitchen to pour myself some coffee to wake me up. There was a knock at the door. I wasn’t expecting anyone was I? I opened the door to see Laura standing there staring at my bare chest. I physically moved her head to look me in the eye.

“Did you enjoy the view?” I teased

“I did actually” She laughed. I invited her inside and told her to make herself comfy whilst I ran to put some clothes on before returning to the kitchen to pour her some coffee. I found her on the floor with my dogs tickling their tummy.

“Have I been replaced” I joked

“Only if I tickle your tummy” She giggled

“Ha ha, how very funny of you” I said

We sat and talked for a while in the kitchen. The door knocked again. Man I was popular today! I answered the door to Tom Harry and Dougie. I left them in and they went and got some coffee.

“So where’s Alex these days” I asked to make conversation

“Dunno, we never invite her places” Laura replied laughing

“Speak for yourself! She never leaves my house” Dougie said

“You beg her to come over…” I laughed. We sat and talked about random stuff like what was the next big outing and when it was and other random shizz. The door knocked…again… I opened the door to a very scared Alex. She didn’t say anything and barely gave me time to open the door before she pushed past me and ran straight into Dougie’s arms. He held her tight and calmed her down. It was something to do with some crazy fan who was threatening her outside her house.

“What were they saying Alex?” Harry asked concerned.

“She was threatening me and Laura saying she was going to get a group to ‘get us’ and saying how everyone hated us and you deserve better” She cried.

Laura started shaking and I went to calm her down. We explained to them that they shouldn’t take any notice in what they were saying and that we’d look after them. Tom and Harry left to go see Gi and Izzy. Alex and Dougie went to the open air showing of Mamma Mia (Alex’s choice) and me and Laura went to the park.


Me and Danny were on our way to the park and we were very loudly singing away to ‘If u c Kate’ which was playing away from the radio. We pulled into a car parking space and climbed out.

“Danny, you know how you love me? Can we go see the duckies?” I begged.

“Anything my ugly duckling” He teased

“Wow, thanks, feeling the love” I laughed

“Fine then you’re a ginger sea monster” He said in his beautiful Bolton accent. It really suited him.

“That’s better” I said proudly.

We went and saw the ducks and the horses and we were just walking round the path heading back to the car park when a crazy fan approached us.

“You think you’re so great walking around with him on your arm! Well let me tell you one thing! This ‘relationship’ is just a little thing, he’ll leave you as soon as someone new comes along!” The fan spat

“Excuse me?” Danny said shocked.

“You heard. Now I’m what Danny wants! You keep your ginger little gingerness away from him! OR ELSE” She screamed.

“Or what?” I asked losing my confidence

“You die” She said simply.

I looked over at Danny. His face full of shock, anger and hatred. I ran away as fast as I could leaving Danny behind. I was terrified and I was hurt. Danny wouldn’t leave me right? I sat down leaning against his car crying and shaking like mad.

“Laura!” I heard a voice call. “Laura” It called again. It was Danny. He found me against the car.

“Babe, Don’t listen to her! She doesn’t know what she is talking about. And don’t you be scared, I wont let nothing happen to you” He said soothingly. I smiled and hid my face in his chest until we decided to get back in the car and head to Dougie’s. Surely they would be back by now.

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