Chapter 12

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I was woken up at 9am by a phone call from Danny.

“Danny, I know we’re Flones but seriously you don’t have to ring me at 9am to tell me you love me!”

“Tom, shh” Danny replied to me “I have to biggest news in the world!”

“C’mon then, tell me” I said sleepily. All I wanted was to go back to sleep. I went to bed 5 hours ago and was extremely tired.

“So, I went to Laura’s last night and we were just talking and having a pillow fight cos we can and then I asked her to marry me” He hyperly said.

“Ermergerd! Danny NO WAY!” I yelled accidentally waking my wife.

“Did you just say Ermergerd?” Danny asked me surprised

“Aw no! I’ve been around Laura and Alex too much!” I laughed whilst getting glared at by Gi. She clearly didn’t feel like being woken up this early. I ended the call and jumped out of the bed to have a shower. Gi was doing her make up when I got out of the shower I got dried and dressed then hopped down the stairs to make my breakfast. Once that had been scoffed I call Gi to come downstairs. We had to go to Dougie’s surprise for Alex. It was a fancy meal and then a party and then the 8 of us were going out. Once again Doug will be staying away from any alcoholic beverage.

We were in the car heading to the restaurant, Harry and Izzy and Danny and Laura were on their way to. Alex would be brought by Dougie 20mins after we arrive. We got the restaurant and we were talking to Izzy and Harry then the lights dimmed and everyone started to hid, only the people who weren’t from our group stayed seated at their tables and the waiters were wandering around acting natural. I was hiding behind a table with Gi. Dougie pulled Alex into the restaurant, everyone dived out of their hiding places yelling ‘surprise’. There was banners around the room which read ‘congratulations’ and ‘you’re engaged’ there was a table in the corner with helium balloons on top. There was confetti scattered on each table aswell. Dougie really had worked hard to make this party as good as it is.

An hour later we were all sat down eating our meals and chatting away to people.

“So we’re now all engaged or married now” Laura stated

“Thank you, we needed you to state the obvious Laura” Dougie laughed

“I just thought I’d kick of a conversation” Laura giggled

“Guys, I wanna dance” Harry whined.

“well go find some partner” Izzy joked before pulling her husband onto the dance floor.

“Doug, we need to dance pweeeaaassseee” Alex begged

They both got up and went to join the others on the dance floor soon followed by me and Gi. Laura and Danny jumped to their feet to get to the dance floor. They had both had a bit to drink by now and were going crazy.


I was dancing with Alex at a party that I organized which actually turned out well, mind the night was young. I had stayed away from alcohol, I was determined never to hurt Alex like that ever again. We were dancing to thrift shop and just having a great time basically. When that song finished me and the boys ran away and got ready for our little performance.

“This song was originally going to be sang today for Alex but now its for Alex and Laura due to their recent engagement” I said into the microphone trying to sound posh, by the looks of everyone’s faces I had failed miserably. “Anyway, Love is easy guys”

The girls looked so exited and hyper by the time the song had finished, they had been dancing around. They ran to get their bags so we could leave and go out. We ended up in Newcastle. We were dancing again along with practically everyone else who was their. Out of the corner of my eye I caught sight if my younger cousin. She was dancing with some guy who looked my age, she was only 18, yeesh I thought she preferred guys her age! I went over to her with Alex so it didn’t look like I was a creep, were just danced near them, I was starting to speak to her, I hadn’t seen her in years, my schedule used to be so busy we didn’t keep in touch as much, it has started to get less busy now though, we decided we wanted to make more time for our families.

“Jessie” I said, still dancing.

“OMG Dougieee” She screamed hugging me

“Hiyaa” I hugged her back “I’m sorry for not having time for you guys”

“It’s fine, you’re Dougie Poynter you have a busy life” She screamed so I could hear her over the music but it had just stopped as she yelled it. The next thing I know I had been separated from my cousin and Alex and had been swarmed by fans who must have been with us from the start, some looked to be older than me! I stayed there with the fans for a bit with the rest of the boys taking photos and talking to the fans. This was the best part of my job, having these amazing fans who appreciate us. They love us and we love each and everyone of them, we wouldn’t be where we are now without them.

“WE LOVE YOU” A group of girls yelled to us

“WE LOVE YOU TOO” We called back to them. After an hour or so we got back to the girls. I had noticed Alex and Laura had had even more to drink, they were so going to regret this in the morning. They were running around bare footed shouting all the lyrics to the songs which boomed out of the huge speakers. The DJ had great taste in music. I danced along with Gi and Izzy whilst the boys were dancing around.

“Dougie” Danny said


“I know you got engaged first and you kinda wanted the next wedding but do you think me and Laura can go first? My mum’s condition is getting worse and worse and I want her to be able to remember my wedding” He asked me

“Mate, you don’t even have to ask! I’d never do anything which would make family miss out” I said

“Thanks Doug” He said whilst Gi and Izzy ‘aww’d

The night finally came to an end and I took Alex back to our house, it was so weird saying that but it was a good weird though. I was taking her out tomorrow to get a dog. She had already picked one out, it was a Great Dane called Rocky. We got back home and I put Alex straight to bed then I went downstairs to get a glass of water before heading up to bed myself. Today had been a good day.  

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