Chapter 9

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I genuinely was scared of Dougie when he was shouting at me like that. He shouldn’t speak to me like that! I was so angry. If he hasn’t noticed I’m still young and don’t know how to act! 5 years can really make a difference but seriously, he chooses now to be mature? He was the most immature person I know and that’s saying something.

“Alex, What was all that about?” Laura asked me

“I panicked and he just got all angry with me then muttered that he chose the wrong girl so I thought I’d leave him but not before showing him up” I said slapping the steering wheel

“He should not have acted that way to you Alex. And if asked you to marry him and you did and he was like that you’d feel pretty bad like” She said

“Yeah, but now I have to give my horse back” I said sadly “He’s my baby but he’s off him”

“Shall I speak to him?” Laura asked



The way Dougie acted was out of line. Even his mum and dad looked shocked. I walked over to him

“Well done mate, loose the best thing that’s happened to you!” I said walking out of the house. Danny and Harry followed me and got into my car.

“Dude, He bought her a horse. A horse that is her life! She is going to have to give him the horse back. Even if she keeps it she called him Dougie, That’s a great reminder isn’t it” Danny said

“You’re right for once” I said

“Congratulations mate” Harry joked

“Seriously guys, I’m giving Doug the money for the horse so it’s a present of me instead” Danny said thoughtfully. “I’ll have a word with Laura”

We got to my house. Izzy was over with Gi who was ill.

“Hello Nurse Izzy” Harry said kissing her.

I went to see Gi, She was asleep so we just sat and worked on some songs without Doug but none of us could concentrate. The events of less than an hour ago were playing in our minds on loop. We all clearly felt bad.

“I don’t know what to do” Harry voiced

“Eh?” Danny asked

“I don’t know weather to take sides or be friends with both” He said “One hand there is Pudd but on the other hand I have a new friend who had her heartbroken and deserves better”

“Whats happened” Izzy asked

We explained everything to her and she tried to help us work out what we should do. Harry stood up and told us he was going round to Dougie’s house. We all stayed here until about 1 when Danny then left to go home and Izzy left too. I went to bed but kept thinking about today. I felt sorry for his family having to witness that. Yes I know Alex shouldn’t have done what she did and she also shouldn’t have made it worse when she came downstairs but he terrified her!


I had to explain to my parents what had just gone on.

“Dougie what was that?” My dad asked me.

“She lied to you guys then ran away. So I went up and asked her what it was about, she told me she panicked. She said she couldn’t meet you yet so I told her that wasn’t an excuse to lie then she shouted so I got annoyed and told her not to ruin tonight and I may have said I chose the wrong girl then she did this down here” I said “up to date yet?”

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