Chapter 6

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They girl stood back and the guy went straight for Danny. He punched his face a blood trickled down Danny’s cheek. Next it was Dougie’s turn. The huge guy’s fist collided with the left side of his face. All us girls screamed out and Harry and Tom ran straight to help the boys. Within seconds there was a huge fight. All the boys went falling down the hill to the field. I called the police and they soon arrived. Both people were arrested and we were on our way.

“Izzy, did this happen when you first went out with each other?” Alex cried into me. Dougie was sat next to her in the car. He pulled her off me and hugged her tight brushing down her hair. When she sat back up he wiped her tears and kissed her forehead.

“No” I answered apologetically. I looked down my knees seeming interesting. Laura was crying in the front of the car. Danny was driving. Every so often I saw him look at Laura. This time he grabbed her hand rubbing his thumb round in circles. It began to rain so we cancelled our plan to go to the park and take our mind off things. We still had to drive past there though. We saw crowds of people holding signs and a few camera crews. I wondered why they were there. I think everyone else thought the same as me because they were looking.

“Is that?” Dougie asked

“Yup” Danny said a smile spreading across his face. There were tonnes of McFly fans standing in the park yelling about how the crazed fans should just leave the girls and guys alone. The signs said the same thing and we were all so proud. The news was covering it and everything. We even spotted The Vamps joining in. We pulled in and stopped. We got out and we all went out and thanked them. We got pictures with people who asked and so did Alex and Laura. We also signed things and then went back home. We were finally free. The crazy people were locked up.


Danny dropped everyone back home then we went to his house. I was only there 30mins before there was a knock on the door.

“Danny, door” I said

“Yep” He said jogging towards the door. He pulled it open and I heard a voice. It was a female voice. She sounded about 25 and when I turned around she looked 25 too. She squealed ‘Danny’ and his jaw dropped as he hugged her tight. I had never felt so awkward in my entire life.

“Natalie I can’t believe you’re here! What are you doing” He asked happily. As soon as I had heard the name I stood up and got my jacket. Tears already falling out of my looking holes.  Does this guy have no brain? She was the one who he was with whilst I was lying in a coma for goodness sake! I stormed over to the door, where the pair were still hugging each other.

“MOVE” I demanded

“Laura, wha- oh crap! Come back Laura im sorry” He shouted after me. I was running up the drive. I could hardly see from the tears but I still kept on running. My old P.E teacher would be so proud to see how fast I was running right now. I never do sport!

I finally stopped and looked back. No Danny in sight. I felt my heart rip in two. I cried harder and ran the rest of the way to my house. I let myself in and ran straight to my room and got ready for bed. I closed my eyes and cried myself to sleep. The last time I checked the time it was 00:40. I must have fell asleep around that time. I woke up to the sun shining through my curtain and my phone ringing.

Incoming call DANNY. I pressed ‘decline’ and saw I had over 50 missed calls of him in the past hour. I rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom and got washed. I plodded back to my room and got ready to go up the farm to see to my Baba.

Message from ALEX: Heyyahh what time you going to be up the farm, I’ll come up to see Dougie when your up xx

Message to ALEX: Just got ready to go up. I’ll be there in about 20mins xx

Message from ALEX: Okies xx

I jumped in my car and headed to the farm. I had to drive past Danny’s house to get there. I saw him standing shirtless at his door watching Natalia leave. A slammed my foot on the accelerator to get past. I was done crying over him. Now I was mad. I arrived at the farm and saw Alex mucking Dougie out. (It’s so weird saying that).

“Hey is Richard coming?” I heard Alex shout

“Now’s not the time Alex” I said

“Whats up” She asked

“Natalia is here, Danny ignored me for her, saw him watching her leave his out. He was topless and she was giggling…” I said angrily.


- that’s all I’m writing today, im too distracted xx- I told heri

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