Chapter 8

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After Laura ran away I wanted to go after her but I couldn’t just leave Natalia I had to explain why I was so bothered to get a crying girl back so desperately! I just told her the truth and for some reason girls tend to forgive me when I tell them that I’m with someone else. She wouldn’t let me go after her though.

“Danny, I get it I was just someone you took a liking to while on tour, it wasn’t going to last” She said kindly “But that doesn’t mean I’m leaving just yet, we need to catch up and have fun”

We sat and talked for ages and messed about but Laura was constantly on my mind. At 10 I had a shower and couldn’t be bothered to get fully dressed cos I’m lazy. That made me think of Laura even more. She was my Lazy se monster. I didn’t let Natalia see me all weird like this. When I left the bathroom she was getting ready to leave. I opened the door for her and hugged her goodbye.  Still shirtless and she wouldn’t stop staring cos I’m just that hot! She giggled and a car drove past and suddenly sped up. I knew who it was. Laura, on the way to see Red. CRAP! Why does she always catch me at the wrong time? I ran straight back into the house pulled on a top and jumped into my car and went straight to the farm. I saw Laura and Alex Talking. Alex gave me the worst look possible. Worse than the one she gave me when Laura almost died.

I climbed out of the car and went straight to Laura.

“Babe, please, listen to me” I said as she rolled her eyes and turned to walk away from me. She stopped and looked me. Eyes cold as ice.

“What” She said

“Yesterday, I told her the truth. She understood. She wouldn’t let me come after you. She told me to give you space” I said before being interrupted

“I wanted you to follow. Prove to me that I’m the only one” She finished

“I wish I came. And what you saw this morning. You got it wrong. I’d just got out of the shower and she was ready to go so I said bye and then I saw you speed away. I felt so bad I came straight here Laura believe me” I begged

“I don’t. I saw they way she was around you and the way you greeted her yesterday and the way you were talking. You have never, not once, been like that with me. When your going on tour you say bye, give me one hug and a kiss and leave and when you get back you don’t make a bug deal. Its not like you’ve missed me. My brother was right. Don’t get involved with famous people! Just leave” She said. Tears ran down my cheeks but she still couldn’t see I was crazy about her. When I didn’t leave (Not cos I’m weird cos I’m shocked?) she came over and pushed me. I stumbled back but then mumbled a quick ‘please’ and she just hit me.

“GET AWAY FROM ME I HATE YOU DANIEL ALAN DAVID JONES” She sort of yelled sort of didn’t..

Alex suddenly felt sorry for me I think.

“You know a decent relationship always starts with violence” Alex said looking at me softly then back to Laura.

“DON’T SIDE WITH HIM” Laura said

“I believe him Laura, he might be a horrible little cheat at times but he doesn’t lie”

“ARGH! I know” Laura said softly “But he … but …”

“Are you looking for the words ‘He loves you’ Laura?” Alex asked

“Yup” Laura said going back to mucking out red. Alex hugged me then whispered ‘good luck’ then headed towards the field to see Dougie the horse. I went over to Laura and straight away she grabbed me and hugged me. We stood like that for a while, me just whispering ‘sorry’ over and over again. When we let go I helped her with everything that needed doing for red then we decided we wanted to go take red out.

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