Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


“Sammy cut it out” I chuckled

“Yeahiiii I won!” She shouted with joy.

“Yeah right! You cheated .you tickled me and that made me fall down you know?”  I explained tiring hard to not to believe that I actually lost the bet

“Hahahahahahah liar! Admitted it I won! Loser! Loser! Loser! “She was screaming which caught many peoples attention

We were in a beautiful beach at Dubai. After walking for a long time, with my new heels on I got blisters on my feet and my arms were aching carry my luggage and my tons heavy hand bag. Well I had every little necessary thing in my hand bag always.

It takes normally five to six hours ride to uncle Ben's place. but since we were tired we thought of stopping by the beach which was on our way and staying at a guest house tonight. After all staying one day away from uncle’s place will not cost us much.

It was such a relaxing feeling in the beach. As soon as we got here Sammy and I had a bet, which is the first person to touch sea water will have to get dinner for the other two. Alex didn’t want to get involve with the bet but she gets the bonus dinner free from either one of us who will lose the bet. Lucky her.

And now since I fell to the water, even though Sammy tickled me to fall, I didn’t want to fuss any more. So I thought of getting them dinner on my account tonight.

“Fine! I give up! I'll get you’ll dinner” I admitted

“Yuppie!” Sammy was so happy and was jumping up and down

“You know what Alex? She lost the bet!” she shouted at Alex who was sun bathing with black shades which surely suited her dark brown hair which was up to he shoulder and her tan skin color. She is from Italy but was having an Australian mix because her dad was an Australian.

Sammy was purely American and was having a beautiful accent in her voice, that I’m also getting used to now just been with her. I can easily catch up with accents when I’m spending time with different people. Once I had a Chinese friend at my college, and at one point I got that annoying Chinese accent which even my mom freaked out hearing. Hahaha I was smiling like a crazy person to my self

“ADRI! You okay?” Sammy questioned

“Ya ya “I answered

“Just keep in mind Alex, you owe me for getting you a top class dinner free from Adri” Sammy yelled at Alex and looked at me and winked

“Whatever!” I turned around giving a small smile an when to take a soft drink from small hut made up of dried coconut leaves just to get the beautiful beach feeling and effect. And Sammy and Alex followed me. Though the hut looked small from the outside it was full of different types of beverages. They were so mouth watering and I felt so greedy to order all of them and drink at once.

Me and my friends thought of ordering 3 strawberry and peach milkshakes because ordering a brand like coca cola which we can drink from any country in the world will not adds any specialty to our trip to Dubai. So to feel the real Dubai feeling and to taste a fresh instant hand made juice in a breezy beach bought a different experience to our trip.

It was getting darker and darker and we decided to stay for another couple of minutes and to watch the beautiful sun set.

All three of us sat near a shady tree that was whistling with the other trees on the beach, to the chilly air that was circling around our bodies. As the day turned to night, gradually it got little colder and colder. Dubai has chilly nights. The sun was sinking in the beautiful sea while its rays goes from our head to toes and disappears from our vision just like the sun,  leaving space for the moon and shinny stars to take over the sky up above us.

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