chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to My Best-Friends

Chapter 7

Tears won’t help.

**********ALEX”S POINT OF VIEW***********

“Hey girls,

Well... I just wanted to tell you guys something very important. Well I know there are way better ways of letting you guys something very important like this. But I wanted to make it more formal. I could tell this to you two straight because it is too complicated and already I’m halfway dying going through these crap…

Can you guys remember the times we were been so sillyHaving those epic karaoke night at our rooms using just YouTube? Hehehe ya! You’ll do remember. Also that day Sammy had to go on a date with Ryan, the guy she really hates. because we gave her a dare? Lol that was funny. I could remember here face when she got home. CLASSIC ha? Remember that day we read our biology professors' term test answer booklet and by hearted the answers and all three of us got full marks which surprised the whole class? Wwooow how can I forget these sweet memories

Well actually that’s not what I wanted to tell you guys.  Well if I tell the point, it is that I’m……. Actually chosen. YES CHOSEN TO BE A FREAKING MAGICIAN! I know guys you’ll will never believe me. No! This isn’t one of those silly pranks that I have given you guys when we go out sober and dance all night. it’s the truth.

Remember the day I soaked aunt Mandy’s bed? Well it’s actually not because I dropped a bucket of water on the bed accidentally. It’s actually because I couldn’t mange to control some of my wired power. Actually at that time I really didn’t know that I even HAD powers.

And remember how that damn huge wave froze and that lightning got me almost killed? That’s also some thing to do with my powers. So what more can I tell. I know now the next question you guys will have is... how come a person is chosen at 18 and not at birth. Well actually according to my mom I’m a mutant. Yes a MUTANT! I just don’t care been a mutant or not because I have more stuff to think about and waste my time right now.

Now the most important point is … that as you might no normally when someone is chosen, they just have to leave behind all what they own in this human life. Including all your loved once and family member. Isn’t that goner be hard! I just cannot make up my mind for something like this guys. How can I leave you two forever and live somewhere else without even dropping you’ll a text?

 But here we are. Losing my two best friends will be the worst feeling in the world. . Because I never in my entire life wanted to leave you’ll. May be ill be gone for good. I don’t think I can handle and recover so soon. It would be hard for me to go on since we are always together almost everyday. . I’m trying to keep my head up, but when I recall our past and how we Hire a bike for a week and see how it works out? And how we took pictures in “capturing pictures are prohibited” places hehehe . Gosh how can I stay without dying alive when thinking about these fun times that will just be some MEMORIES for ever

Please guys keep this as a secret because I actually even took my leaving today from the headmaster saying that I will be leaving overseas to another country to do my higher studies.I'm sorry guys  how can I look at your faces and tell something like ill be leaving you’ll forever? How can I? I’m a human being and a sensitive girl. I spend all the last weeks crying and crying and now I’m weaker than I was since I was in the hospital.

I will never forget all the kind help you guys gave to me in every possible situation in my life since I got to this university. May be this is my destiny and who I am suppose to be. So I guess I really have to go. IL be leaving soon. Before you’ll even read this letter. I will miss you guys and everything. Specially my parents.  Don’t know how to make up my mind to leave them.

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