Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to All my loved once

Chapter 4

Am I DEAD???

“EHHEEEEE EEEHEEEE” as I opened my eyes to see a horse neighing right nears my ear. I was horrified and I move few steps backward, it was a mystery to see my self sleeping on a heap of hay right next to a beautiful black house. I looked around to clear myself where exactly I was. But I failed since the place was soo dark not even a window caught my view and let a ray of light fall into this place

But I thought may be I should be in a stable; otherwise I will not end up inside another place with a horse next to me.

 What am I doing inside a stable?  I was more confused. My hunger was ruling my tummy and I really wish I could get something to eat for myself to fill up my tummy.

I didn’t even have a watch to check for the time. Even my phone didn’t work may be after the accident , water must have gone into the Circuits and it has broken .I slowly stood up stretched and touched myself to see what I’m wearing. And I could realize that I’m still in my skinny top and shorts, that I was wearing when me and my friends were going on the safari, before I faced that terrible accident.

But now the clothes were almost torn and even my skin was visible. But I was little happy to stay alive and end up at least like this even after facing a very bad unexpected tragedy.

The built black beauty was standing next to me so silent and calm without been terrified and alarmed for the fact that a stranger was in his cage and was sharing it for the last couple of hours

I felt so tired and I really needed somebody’s help right now. At the same time I didn’t find a reasonable excuse to tell to a person about what exactly happened and how I ended up in a stable.

Before everything I had to get myself out of this stable. I didn’t want to shout because it will make all the horses mad and furious. So I tried to think of another way. The next thing that came to my mind was to jump out of the wooden gate of the cage, where the horse was trapped inside in the stable. But though I tried to climb it several times was too tall. The height was to prevent the horses from jumping over and running away from the stable. So after tiring few times I gave up on that idea as well.

So I had no other option but only had to wait until I find another possible way.                 

After few minutes I heard a sound of couple of people chatting outside the, I tried hard to listen to what they were whispering about, but I could barely hear them. Then I heard the sound of a door been unlocked. It was the stable door that unlocked and opened. Then a man came into the stable, which looked like a worker, may be to c lean the stable. As soon as the door open bright sun light came into the stable and spread its rays, this was striking and defeating the darkness which was ruling inside the stable. It was a lovely morning.

Then the worker came closer to the gate of the Cage I was trapped in, which made me terrify and I hid my self behind the horse tiring to keep the horse calm at the same time. I still couldn’t come up with a lie to tell to these people about how I came into this place. Because even I didn’t know the proper reason for all theses weird things to happen

Then the worker set all the horses free by unlocking there gates. My black beauty that I was covering myself to also ran out of the cage leaving me alone inside it.

I felt so scared because now I don’t have a way to hide my self. I covered as much as I could behind the hay. but I knew it will not work. Then I saw the worker going out of the stable that brought me a great opportunity to go and get my self out of this place. 

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