Ben drowned x reader

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You had been in slenders mansion for a while now, about 3 months. You didn't have many friends. You had made friends with clockwork and Jane however you didn't speak much so you rarely spoke to them. You loved video games so you would always be in your room playing games on your own, you had been borrowing games from  Ben for about a month now after he found out you were a super gamer.

You wondered how he found out that fast but you put it off to clockwork telling him. You spoke to Ben a couple of times too, more then you would clockwork or Jane. Ben had given you his special copy of majora's mask to play, no one told you that it was special because He was haunting it however. You popped in the game and started to play , you noticed there was a second profile on the game which read "Ben", you made a new profile not wanting to continue on his game progress and started playing right away. Things started getting strange though, you did a few of the normal missions in the game but the last one you did , as you went up to the old women who had sent you out to get a few things for her and started speaking to her there was something strange. This didn't really faze you as you now lived in a house full of strange creatures and people. The old women completely glitched out on the screen and the screen went black. A text box appeared.

" (y/n) ....."
You looked confused at the screen as it read your name like someone was calling for you.

" (y..../n)... " it continued.

You had started to lean into the screen without realizing. Before you even noticed there were lips pressed against yours, you fell back ending the kiss short as you noticed it was none other then Ben. Ben smirked abit , you couldn't see his eyes , his bangs were covering them and hiding his gaze from you. Your face went red as you stuttered out.

" b-Ben?" You looked up at him as he now stood infront of you.

" (y/n) ... I want you to be mine." Was all he said before he leaned down and kissed you , this time he took a short pause waiting for you to move away for a moment, but you didn't , he took it as a sign that you wanted it and so he pressed his lips to yours again. Ben had pinned you to the floor you had just been sitting on. Ben gave you small pecks to the lips , your face burning bright red as you kissed him back. Ben stopped pulling away from your lips to look down at you , he looked deep into your (e/c) eyes. You looked back at his deep mysterious ponds with small red pupils as he watched you for a moment.

" (y/n).... I... Wanted to ask you this for a while now.... " he said before he rests his head on your shoulder getting closer to your ear.
" .. Would you be my girlfriend?" He said in a low voice.
You didn't know what to think at this moment, but you knew in your heart that you liked him.

" I... I .." You spoke lightly , you never spoke for your own thoughts so this was one of the first times.

" yes. " Ben had sunk down into your shoulder as if his whole body had relaxed after being so tensed up.

" I wasn't going to take no as an answer , but you made it so much easier." You could feel his smirk on your shoulder.

Creepypasta X reader +lemon one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now