Chapter 4

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It was after midnight and Michael and Calum were in a heated make out session in one of their hotel beds. Shirts were off and hickeys were placed on their shoulders, necks, and jawlines. Michael laid on top of Calum but it didn't last long before they were both laying on their sides with their legs entangled. This is the farthest they have gone with each other but neither showed signs of stopping. Neither knew how much the other was enjoying the time they shared, how much they didn't realize they wanted this until it all started a week ago. They were both getting ballsy with each other, meaning they were taking risks, and they were a lot more touchy even with the group together, everyone was fine with it except Ashton. Ashton was sure something was going on, but Luke kept pushing him down. Michael and Calum weren't thinking about the other boys right now though, they were too caught up with each other. Michael was about to take Calum's jeans off when there was a knock on the door. Calum groans. 

"Who the hell could that be at this time of night?" Michael questions. "Who is it?" He decides to call out.

"It's Luke and I. Open up." Ashton exclaims on the other side of the door. 

"Fuck." Both Michael and Calum say in unison as they begin to scramble around the room, fixing the bed up a bit, straightening their hair up and most importantly throwing on their shirts. 

"Mikey we are fucked." 

"No, we would have been had Lashton not interrupted us." Michael growls. 

"Well okay yes, but I meant the hickeys." Calum whispers urgently.

"Oh fuck." 

"Uh are you guys going to open the door?" Luke calls out.

"Just give us a minute!" Calum replies. 

"Throw on a hoodie!" Michael throws a sweater at Calum and they are pulling over their hoodies as they go to open the door.

"God, it took you guys long enough." Luke says  as he walks through the door.

"What were you guys doing in here?" Ashton asks. 

"We just weren't expecting anyone." Michael tells him.

"Okay?" Ashton seems suspicious. 

"So what's up?" Calum asks as he goes back into his bed.

"We were bored."

"So? Go to bed we were busy." Michael mumbles quietly, hoping no one heard.

"What?" Luke questions him.


"We wanted to know if you guys wanted to watch a movie?" 

"Uh I guess." Michael scratches the back of his head. He really wanted sex tonight, but that's not going to happen now. 

"Great!" Ashton claps his hands excitedly. Soon he is turning on Michael and Calum's television and buying a movie and then he joins Luke on Michael's bed whereas Michael goes back to sit with Calum. 

"What are we watching?" Calum asks.

"A horror movie." Ashton grins evilly and Michael gulps. He hates horror movies, he and Calum both do. 

Maybe this was Ashton's plan all along, forcing Michael and Calum to watch horror movies to see how they would react. Add to Ashton's supposed theory of the two of them. 

"This is gonna be good!" Luke exclaims.

"Why are we watching horror?" Michael questions.

"Why not? They're fun." Ashton shrugs, "now shush it's starting." 

The four boys started the movie and Michael really didn't want to watch it so instead he played on his phone. He receives a text.

Cal: next time they come knocking at our door at midnight we are pretending we are asleep. This fucking sucks. 

Mikey: this wouldn't have been the only thing sucked tonight ;)

Cal: ugh don't start, I wish we were doing what we were doing before we were cock blocked 

Mikey : me too, why don't we pretend to go sleep right now and maybe they'll leave?

Cal: Sounds good, you pretend to fall asleep first, I'll follow you

Mikey: M'kay 

With a plan in motion Michael shuffles in the bed to get under the covers and to get comfy so he can fall asleep, or pretend to in this case. 

"Are you seriously going to sleep? We just started the movie." Ashton looks over to him and Michael just gives him the middle finger before snuggling more into the covers as he tries to close his mind off from his surroundings and the noise of the movie. Michael adds some soft snores to make it more effective.

"I cannot believe he is sleeping." Ashton states grumpily.

"Well it is after midnight and we had a long day so." Calum defends him.

"Are you saying you want us out?" Ashton asks.

"Next time just give us a warning. That'd be nice." Calum replies coolly. 

"You could have told us no when we asked to watch a movie." Ashton retorts.

"Can we not fight? Seriously this is so petty and stupid." Luke butts in. 

"Fine. Good night Calum." Ashton says before he is getting up off the bed and walking out of the room. Luke gives Calum an apologetic smile before following Ashton out.

"Well that went quicker than expected." Michael states as he turns to look up at Calum who is leaned up against the headboard. 

"I feel slightly guilty." Calum pouts.

"He'll get over it, he's Ashton. He'll be fine. But really it is after midnight, well more like 1am now." Michael smiles. 


"Yeah Cal, you can kiss me." Michael finishes Calum's thought and next thing is Calum is straddling Michael's waist kissing him deeply, cupping his face. Michael sits up so they're closer, chest to chest and no one is hurting their neck. The hoodies come off next as they both explore each others chests.

"Fuck Cal." Michael moans as Calum sucks on his jawline. 

"Are we really going to do this?" Calum asks as he goes back to Michael's lips.

"I think we already are." Michael whispers back. 

"I thought we were just going to be kiss buddies." 

"If you don't want to do this we can stop." Michael says as he kisses down Calum's chest. 

"Fuck it." Calum states before pulling Michael up by his chin and kisses him hungrily. 

"I'm taking that as a yes." Michael mumbles over Calum's lips.

"Shut up, no more talking." Calum growls before pulling them both down to where Calum is on top and Michael is underneath as they grind their clothed hard ons together. They're in for a long night. 

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