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*Two Years Later*

5 Seconds of Summer were incredibly busy, they had just released their third album and things were going extraordinarily well. Everyone was loving the album and the band was getting a lot of press from it. They happened to release their album in the same week it was Michael and Calum's two year anniversary. Yes, the two were still dating and closer than ever. The boys worried that because Michael and Calum were always together it would create some tension but that wasn't the case. Their relationship just made all of their friendships stronger. Michael turned to Luke for advice on Calum, and Calum would ask Ashton. All of their friendships were strong, but nothing beat Michael and Calum. They were the talk of everything. For the first year it was a bit difficult after coming out to the world, they lost a lot of followers but gained a bunch who supported the band and their strength to come out, plus they made killer music. Now though they were backstage getting ready to perform and Michael was pacing back and forth, lucky for him though his boyfriend wasn't in the same room.

"Mike you gotta calm down, everything's all set for tonight. Everyone knows the plan, well except for Calum, but I promise you it'll all go well." Luke told the guitarist as he was seated on the couch.

"But what if he says no?" Michael asks with worry laced in his voice.

"Do you honestly think he will?" Luke retorted.

"I'm just nervous okay, this will change everything."

"Will it though?" Luke kept questioning back everything Michael was saying and it was getting a bit annoying.

"Boys! 10 minutes until showtime!" Their manager told them, "and let the other two know as well, and don't worry Mike, everything is set." He winked and then left the room.

People kept reassuring Michael but it really didn't help his nerves. He felt the ring in his pocket, he didn't put it in a box because he wouldn't have been able to conceal it very well. It felt very heavy in his pocket. He couldn't believe it all came down tonight. He just hoped it went his way.

While they were getting ready to go onstage Luke and Ashton both sent Michael thumbs up, Calum thought nothing of it as he fixed his strap on his bass. Michael and Calum shared a kiss before getting up on stage as well. It had become a ritual. One that at the beginning Luke and Ashton would fake gag about but they moved on from it really quickly.

"Ready?" Calum asked his band.

"Let's do this!" Luke exclaimed and they all fist bumped each other and ran onto the stage. Ashton going up on the drums, Luke taking centre stage and Calum and Michael on either side. They started off playing a couple of songs before they started to talk.

"How's everyone feeling tonight?" Luke asked into the microphone.

"Luke how are you doing tonight?" Michael asked.

"I'm doing good Michael, I'm doing good, how about you?"

"Hopefully by the end of the night I'll be best I'll have ever been so far in my life." Michael stated, Luke grinned and Calum was a bit confused.

"Why tonight?" Calum asked.

"This crowd is incredible! Who's ready to rock?" Michael asked, ignoring Calum.

"Let's start up the next song, which is off of our second album, this one is castaway!"

The band started back up again. Calum was even more confused, and he hated when Michael ignored him but he didn't dwell on it, not when there was a crowd of people to please so he just went back to his bass and singing when he had to. He loved singing castaway to the crowd.   

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