Chapter 8

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It was a couple of days into the break and Michael hadn't seen any of his band members. Not even Calum. Michael often went into hibernation when on break, all he really liked to do was catch up on sleep and was attached to his video games. Sure he communicated with his friends via text, a phone call here and there but that was it. He should be able to enjoy his time off. His parents were happy he was home but he was being quite lazy. They had asked him to help around the house and he did a few chores when asked but other than that not too much happened. It was a surprise however when Calum stopped by after dinner. Michael had no idea he was coming over. Michael was just sitting with his parents when the doorbell rang. They all looked rather confused, but the confusion didn't last. 

"What are you doing here?" Michael asks Calum once he settles on the couch with the rest of the Clifford's. 

"Well hello to you too." Calum replies. "Can't a friend visit another friend?" 

"More like soon to be boyfriends." Karen mumbled under her breath.

"Moooommmm." Michael whines. 

"Hey you guys chose to sit here instead of going up to your room or down to the basement." She just shrugs at him. 

"Fine. Let's go." Michael commands pulling Calum off of the couch and pulling him out of the room and Calum just waves back at Michael's parents. 

Michael decided to bring the two downstairs because he has been in his room an awful lot. Plus he doesn't think his parents will check up so often if they are down here. 

The two got comfy on the couch, Michael leaning up against the side of it, Calum laying down on his stomach in between Michael wrapping his arms around Michael's torso.

"So basically you came over here because you wanted cuddles." Michael chuckles as he runs his hand through Calum's hair. 

"You also haven't seen anyone besides your parents for a couple of days." Calum shrugs.

"I have so seen people." Michael defends but Calum raises at his eyebrow at him as if to see 'really?' of course Michael sighed and Calum said smugly, "Yeah that's what I thought." 

Literally all the did was cuddle with each other, it wasn't long before Michael scooched down on the couch so that he was laying down and Calum was on top of him as the two took a nap with each other. They missed sleeping together, they missed the warmth the other brought. Honestly it seems kind of silly that Calum shows up and the first thing they do is fall asleep cuddled up to one another but they were content, they were so happy just being in their own little world. 

Once they woke up from their little nap they went and made popcorn since they knew they would be up for awhile. It was close to 11 at night, Calum texted his mom saying he would be staying over and after they got their popcorn and drinks, they were once again curled up on the couch, this time with a movie playing. 

"Michael..." Calum trails off.

"Yeah Cal?" 

"I think I'm falling for you." Calum whispers as he pulls away from Michael slightly. 

"Well I'd hope so, I mean you did ask me on a date a couple of days ago." Michael smirks.

"I'm being serious Mikey, I know how at the beginning this was just supposed to be a benefits kind of thing, but it's been almost 2 month. We had a very strong friendship before, you know I love you, but it's leading more towards romantic feelings..." 

"Cal I wouldn't have said yes if I didn't feel the same way." Michael looks up at him into his eyes. 

"You're not just saying that?" Calum asks quietly.

"Calum Thomas Hood, you have been my best friend for more than 10 years now. I love you with all my heart. And my heart belongs to you, it's yours completely." Michael tells hims honestly. 

Calum doesn't respond instead he kisses Michael, hard, not roughly but there's a lot of love behind the kiss. Some may say this is moving too fast, others might say it should have happened sooner for the two boys. They were already attached at the hip, but this just brought them closer. Michael tightens his arms around Calum's waist pulling him closer. 

"Mine." Calum repeats over and over as he kisses Michael's lips, his cheeks, his eyes, his forehead, Michael feels so loved by Calum. 

"All yours." Michael whispers, a smile on his face. They kiss once more, they don't want to do too much right now, instead Calum just hugs him as they fix themselves on the couch so that they could see the movie that they almost forgot was playing.

They just wanted cuddles, comfort and love and they found that in each other. 


The next morning they woke up once Calum accidentally rolled off of Michael onto the floor with a thud. Michael kind of giggled at him which caused Calum to give him a little tap on the arm.

"You're supposed to hold onto me!" Calum exclaims.

"Babe, I was asleep. I can't control my movements in my sleep." Michael retorts. 

"Fine you're forgiven." Calum says. 

Michael just smiles fondly at him. They looked at the clock and it showed that it was eleven in the morning, they figured they would go upstairs to make pancakes. When they got into the kitchen Michael's mom was already there.

"Well it's about time you boys woke up, I was making some bacon and eggs, do you want some?" Michael and Calum just shrug and nod their heads, why make food when someone could make it for you? So they take their seats at the kitchen table. "How was your sleep?" 

"Fine until someone threw me on the ground." Calum mumbles.

"I did not throw you. It's not my fault." Michael says back, all Karen can do is laugh at the two boys. It wasn't long until they had food on the table and were eating. They thanked her and then it was time to get ready for the day.

The boys talked it over, they decided that their date would be today, after their conversation last night they didn't want to wait. Calum went back home to shower and get changed and he told Michael he had to grab something and that he would meet him on the corner of the street in 30 minutes. The corner of the street was a special thing for the two of them, when they were going to school they would meet there every morning to catch the bus together. It was something they always did. So Michael nodded and told Calum he'd be there. Calum left by pecking Michael on the lips and then the two were saying good byes. Michael couldn't wait to see what this date would bring. 

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