Black Invitation [1]

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Black Invitation [Chapter One]

Unknown Person's POV

I always did have the perfect life. Me in high school with my perfect friends while my perfect parents supported me all the time. Everything was perfect.

Until the day came when I realized, I was not that perfect person I thought I was.

My friends grew older. They found a job and found a husband and together lived a happy life with their kids as they grew old together. Even my parents grew old and eventually died.

Me? I forever stayed 17. 

I couldn't understand. Was I a freak? What was I?

Scared from whatever was happening, I went away. I faked my death so no one would remember me. And I stayed hidden deep in the forest trying to forget all the madness that was happening.

Slowly, without me even realizing it, I had turned my emotions off.

Soon someone had discovered me. A man and he looked like some sort off criminal. He kidnapped me and brought me to a place that looked like some sort of military camp.

' Look who I've got here. This little girl has been hiding down the woods for god knows how long. And judging from the look of things, she's been through a lot. She could be of great use to us. ' the man snickered to his pals.

Everyday they forced me to do hard training. They taught me how to survive. How to act in the worst possible scenarios. How to kill.

Being the non-emotional person I was, I soon became the best fitted person for the title ' Killing Machine. ' No one could stop me. I assassinated anyone my kidnappers ordered me to kill. They were mostly children. I guess the kidnappers were paid to kill them but they are letting me do their dirty work instead. Not that I cared.

Soon my kidnappers died and I stayed the same. Forever 17. I got used to killing children so I took on the job and continued killing people. Just to kill time I guess.

Day by day I killed dozens of children. Not once did I get caught. My reputation grew and soon the whole world knew about my doings. Everyone feared me. And still I felt nothing.

That was until I met you. You who I was supposed to kill. You who stupidly smiled at me when I was pointing a gun straight at your head ready to fire.

You who made me care again.

You who I know will be mine in the future.

 Ethan's POV

School. Six Crappy Hours Of Our Lives.

Personally, I didn't have anything against school. But the problem is, school can be much better than this! Right?

I sighed. Well, it's not like I can do anything about it anyway. It's not like I had the guts to speak up. I'm not really the most popular and most strong guy in school. Okay. That was an understatement.

I was the loner. The bullied. The freak.

There was nothing interesting about me. I looked and acted very average. I have golden hair with streaks of brown and my eyes were the same combination as my hair. Gold with brown lining. My body structure was very small so I guess all in all I did look like some kind of weak nerd.

I stopped dead in my tracks all thoughts vanishing as a black cat went in my way. It had a black envelope in it's mouth and it looked like an invitation of some sorts.

It flicked it's tail towards the envelope as if signaling for me to take it. I looked around if it was for someone else or if the bullies were trying to prank me again.

Nope. Well now I'm fucked.

I raised a hesitant finger towards myself asking a silent question if the letter was really for me. It slowly nodded its head and I reluctantly took the invitation. As soon as I did this, the cat ran off to god knows where.

I decided to open it at home as I continued walking. I kept it in my bag for safekeeping. My house came into sight and I saw Mom's car. Why is she home early? She shouldn't be home until two hours later.

" Mom? Why are you home early all of a sudden? Is there something wrong? " I asked as I went in and found her in the living room. Mom was quietly sitting on the couch her face a little pale. " Mom? You're starting to scare me. What's wrong? "

She patted the seat beside her and I immediately sat.

" Honey, you know how your birthday is tomorrow? " she asked me. Oh yeah. I forgot about that.

" Yeah. I'm turning 17 tomorrow. "

" Uhm did anything strange happen to you today? Anything out of the ordinary? " she asked me her eyes filled with worry and anticipation.

" Well nothing really. " I answered slowly but then I remembered the invitation. " Oh now that you mention it! I did receive this! It came from a black cat which is kinda strange. "

I took it from my bag and gave it to her. Her face seemed to pale even more and she started trembling. What the hell is going on??

We both examined it for a moment and I told her to check the back part before opening it. There was no address as to where it came from. But in the middle of it was embedded in fancy letters, a word or rather a name ' Scarlet. '

And surely enough, written at the bottom left was my name, Ethan Ash Grayson.

We decided that it was time to open it but when we did, all that was written there was a very short message that was enough to send my whole body the shivers.

' You are officially invited to a very rare formal gathering by our mistress. Please dress formally and we will send someone to pick you up at exact midnight. Denial of this invitation will not be tolerable. Please be warned. '

" Honey, we have a lot to talk about. "

Never would I have guessed that I just received an invitation from death.

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