Surprises [10]

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Surprises [Chapter 10]

Ethan's POV

"-need to go now!"

"-think of a plan"

"-how dare they"

"THAT'S ENOUGH!!" Cynthia shouted as everyone was off into their own worlds worrying about their mistress. "We need a plan! And we need one fast!"

"Why need a plan?! We can just find the bastard who kidnapped her!!!" Drake exclaimed and Cynthia growled at her.

"Think you idiot!! This is Natalie we're talking about!! Not anyone can just kidnap her!! Whoever this mystery guy is, he has skills that can danger us badly." Cynthia told everyone and we all fell silent.

Who would this guy be? And why?

"Alright. Let's go out and search for clues. Everyone come back immediately in 30 minutes." Cynthia ordered and everyone went out to search.

I was about to move out as well when Cynthia stopped me and Jeremy as well.

"Ethan, you're human. It's best if you stay beside me. I would have asked you to stay in the mansion but unfortunately that's too dangerous. The mansion is filled with traps in case of intruders and we wouldn't want you unknowingly walking around." Cynthia old me and I nodded.

I certainly didn't know about that.

"Jeremy, can you come with us and go fetch Cerberus? The both of you might be able to sniff something out." Cynthia told him and he nodded as well.

"Ethan give me your hands." Cynthia suddenly ordered. I looked at her confused but obeyed anyway. I held out my hands and she positioned hers above mine.

Then she was suddenly glowing and so was I. Before I knew it, dark blue wings appeared at my back!

"W-what?" I looked at Cynthia confused.

"Us fairies have the ability to give a human the power to fly. It will only last for 24 hours. I know you're not an athletic person and I don't want you slowing us down." Cynthia told me and I looked at her then to my wings in awe.

"How do I use them?" I asked her and she raised an eyebrow at me.

"How do you manage to walk?" she asked me and I was confused for a while but then I slowly understood.

It comes naturally. Like walking. You walk when you want to walk. And you fly when you want to fly.

"Alright enough chit chat. Let's move!" Cynthia ordered and we went out. Cynthia made her wings appear and flew to Cerberus's cage. I slowly lifted myself off the ground and tried to adjust.

I'm flying!! Weeeeeeee~

I caught up with Cynthia and we were floating above air as we waited for Jeremy. We didn't have to wait long since Jeremy was one hell of a runner.

Jeremy opened the cage and out came Cerberus. It looked at me and Cynthia but quickly averted its gaze to Jeremy.

"Natalie's in danger. Fetch boy." Jeremy softly muttered and the three heads barked and went off to search. Jeremy looked at Cynthia and she nodded.

Jeremy then shifted into a wolf, his clothes ripped off from the transformation, and was off finding clues.

"Okay. You fly around and search for some clues. But be very careful okay? Shout when you're in danger and send a call when you found something." she told me.

"How do I do that?" I asked her.

"Simple. Just flap your wings very fast and it will produce a sound." I nodded at her and she left.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2013 ⏰

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