The Unbelievable Talk [2]

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 The Unbelievable Talk [Chapter Two]

Ethan's POV

I was getting scared now. 4 more hours till midnight. What does Mom want to talk about now of all times?

" I will try and explain as much as I can and you must promise me that you will never tell anyone about this. Do you understand me? " she asked me. She was so serious right now and that was a rare sight coming from my mom. She was usually so cheerful. I just nodded my head too nervous to say anything.

Mother's POV

Flashback 9 years ago

There was a murderer on the lose. Killing random people. Mostly children.

I had to bring my 8 year old child Ethan to a safer place. Immediately!

I rushed towards his room and slammed the door open ready to scoop him from whatever he was doing and take him somewhere safe.

But I was stopped in my tracks at the sight before me.

A woman dressed in all black with her straight black waist long hair flowing gently behind her as the breeze gently blew. Her black eyes were somehow shining under the moonlight. She was rather slim and pale but her lips were a rosy red. All in all she was gorgeous.

But I couldn't let myself get fooled. The murderer was a woman. This woman in particular.

She was standing at the windowsill which obviously meant that she used it to enter. But that wasn't what I was concerned about.

It was the fact that she was aiming a gun straight at my baby's head.

I was about to shout for her to stop. To try and provoke her or at least make her kill me instead and not my child. Anything just to stop her!

But I didn't need to anymore since she gently brought down the gun and gently dropped it. She looked like she was brought out of some kind of trance. Like she was just coming back to her senses.

She slowly dropped down on her knees to meet my son's height. She kissed his forehead and Ethan immediately slumped against her with his eyes closed and the woman let him lay down in her arms.

" What did you do to my son?! " I screamed worried about his condition. I was about to make my way towards them but she immediately held out a hand to stop me from my tracks.

" Your son's fine. I just put him to sleep. I would rather you stay there since I don't easily trust people. " her voice was so smooth it sounded like a lullaby.

" Your old is he? " she suddenly asked me and I immediately panicked.

What did she want with my son?

" I-uhm-what? " was my very intelligent reply.

" How old is he? What's his name? His birthday? Where's his dad? " she anked again with very much patience.

I didn't want to test her patience so I just immediately answered her questions.

" He's eight years old and his name is Ethan. Ethan Ash Grayson. He will turn 9 in the fourth of July. His dad..." I trailed off tears threatening to spill.

" It's okay if you don't wanna tell me. I understand. Thank you for answering my other questions. " I nod at her and she just continued to stare at my son like he was the most precious person in the world.

Soon my curiosity got the best of me and I just couldn't help but ask,

" Why didn't you kill my son? " Then the gravity of my words finally sunk in my head and I couldn't help but feel stupid. " Not that I mind or anything! I appreciate it! I just-I mean-I was only-" her soft chuckle stopped me from my rant and I blushed in embarrassment.

But I still couldn't help but think that she really was like a goddess.

" Your son is really something. Even when I was ready to kill him, all e did was stupidly smile at me. Almost as if welcoming death with open arms. " I smiled at that. Sounds like my son all right. " He made me care again. Your son brought me back to my senses. And even when I should be the one thanking you, I would like to ask a huge favor from you. "

I know accepting favors fro strangers was ridiculous. But there was a vibe she was giving off that made you want to trust her immediately. And I knew for sure that she was someone you could trust. Call it a woman's instinct.

" What is it? "

" When your son turns 17, I will come back for him. "

End of Flashback

Ethan's POV

" The invitation is probably her promise of coming back for you. " she ended.

" AND YOU JUST ACCEPTED?!? " I shouted at my mom incredulously and she just stupidly nodded at me. " Mom! What if she tries to kill me?! "

" She won't. " she stated firmly.

" How would you know?? "

" I made her promise that she would never kill you and I know for a fact that she is a woman of her words. "

I groaned. Like my life wasn't bad enough!

" Hey Mom? "

" Yeah? "

" What's the story behind dad? " Never have I heard the story as to where dad was. Mom just always reassured me that he will be back. She visually stiffened and I knew what was coming.

" Honey, I would really like to tell you. But right now I can't. I hope you understand. " she told me with her eyes pleading at me to understand.

" Of course, Mom! I understand. I really do! I was just curious. "

" Thank you. " she hugged me and we just stayed there for a few more minutes.

" OH MY GOD! " Mom suddenly shrieked.

" What?! What is it?! What's wrong?! Mom?! "


Oh shit.

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