The Sudden Meeting [4]

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The Sudden Meeting [Chapter Four]

Ethan's POV


" Five more minutes. " I muttered sleepily.

Poke. Poke.

" Just five more minutes, Mom. " Geez. I just wanted some rest.

Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke.

" ARGH! I SAID JUST FIVE MORE MIN-" I stopped and blushed as I saw the red headed woman. So it wasn't just a dream. Oh shit.

I looked around and I was now lying on the ground in front of some big fancy gate. Woah. This place was HUGE! The walls either side of the gate went on as far as my eye could see! This 'mistress' person must be very rich!

" Sorry to interrupt but you need to get up. We're here. Seriously. Fainting while on a motorcycle is dangerous you know! " she laughed at me. I was so embarrassed. I can't believe I shouted at her like that. But all those thoughts vanished as I remembered the reason why I fainted.

" Where am I?! We should've crashed!! How are we even alive?! All of this is impossible! If this isn't a dream, then please tell me what's happening! " I pleaded.

Wanna know what I saw?

People flying in the air with wings like that of a butterfly. I saw a man who was holding flames in both hands. I saw a woman that looked like a child's version of a fairy. Heck, I think I even saw Medusa.

But that wasn't all. The grass was of a color red. Like it was tainted with blood.

If this isn't what you call abnormal then I don't know what is.

" I'm sorry. I really can't say anything. I was forced to secrecy. " she told me with an apologetic look in her eyes. But then it was returned by a look of sudden realization. " Our mistress! I'm sure our mistress will explain everything! During the gathering, there will be a slight chance that you might meet our mistress! Maybe she will tell you everything you wanna know! "

I thought about it for a moment. If all of this was happening then what would the people in the gathering be like? Will they be like me? Or will they be like 'Them' ?

" Okay. Let's do this. " Better know now than regret later. I'd feel stupid if I went home and pretend like that never happened. I sure as hell know that I will never forget this day.

" Great! Now move along! " she told me with a great smile and I just gave her a stupid look. " what is it? " she asked me bewildered by the look I was giving her.

" Aren't you coming with me? " I asked her a little bit confused myself.

" Oh! Oh no no no no. YOU will go in there and will enjoy the gathering. While I will go and uhm do some stuff. " God. She was a bad liar.

" What if I get lost?? " I was not good with directions. If you told me the way to my destination was just to go straight, I would still be able to get lost for some reason. Yep. That was me.

" Don't worry about that! You see that guy over there? The one that looks like he is guarding the gate? " she asked me and I turned around to see who she was talking about. A huge guy was standing at the edge of the gate. He looked ready to rip anyone who dared to enter the gate's head off.

" Yeah. Why? " I asked a little bit scared.

" Well he's going to give you a map of the place before you enter. And don't be scared. He doesn't hurt anyone who is in the invitation list. " she answered me with a knowing smile on her face. " Now chop chop! Get going! Bye! "

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