The Deal [5]

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The Deal [Chapter Five]

Ethan's POV

I had a lot to ask her. And I wanted to ask her now. But that is quite impossible at the moment.

Because people kept flocking around her like she was some kind of magnet.

She must seriously be popular. Well, she is the mistress after all. It kind of fits her too I guess. She just gave off that feeling that made you want to follow her wherever she went. She gave off the feeling that made you want to protect her every step of the way.

I decided to wait for the chance when I can talk to her. I'm a socially awkward person so even if I did fight to get her attention right now, I'd just embarrass myself with all these people around her. So I became a good patient person who silently waited for her turn to talk to the mistress.

* An hour and a half minutes later *

What is up with these people?!

I've been waiting for about an hour and a half now and they were still crowding around her! I just wanted to have a peaceful talk with her! Is that too much to ask?! How is Natalie even holding up in this situation??

I craned my neck to get a quick glance as to how she was holding up and what I saw saddened me. She was smiling and talking back to the people who were talking to her. But I new that her smile was forced. And by the looks of it, she was very tired right now.

That did it. I hated it when people are oblivious of others' feelings. I hated it when they only cared about themselves.

So I quickly made my way towards the crowding people and I forced my way in not even bothering about my manners. A few people angrily grumbled stuff like ' How rude! ' and stuff like ' What is that insolent man doing here? ' but I could care less.

When I finally reached Natalie, our eyes connected and she had a shocked expression on her face that I also ignored. I grabbed her hand and I was about to leave but not before I said,

" I'm sorry but I'll be borrowing her for a little while. Have a good day. " and with that I quickly exited the place. I ignored the shocked looks on the people's faces as I practically dragged Natalie outside with me by her hand.

I don't know how I remembered my way here but I somehow found myself heading towards the bench we first met a while ago. I slowed my pace and stopped when we finally arrived. I was doing my best to catch my breath and I breathed out a sigh when I did.

I suddenly heard a gentle laugh behind me and I turned a little to see Natalie gently laughing to herself. I realized I was still holding her hand and I quickly let go. I was still curious as to what she was laughing at though.

Then the weight of what I did finally sunk in my head and a fierce blush crept along my cheeks. Oh shit. What did I just do?

Apparently I said that out loud, which only made her laugh harder and made me blush even deeper.

I waited for her laughter to die out and for my blush to disappear. Soon her laughs tuned into cute little giggles and my blush was slowly fading. She sat on the bench and I quietly took the seat beside her.

" You know, I never expected you to have the guts to do that. Why did you? " she asked me quietly. Her gaze was once again on the flowers. She must really love her garden.

" Well, I saw that you were getting pretty tired and I just couldn't stand still and pretend like nothing was happening. Especially with those people constantly bugging you. I'm sorry for acting rashly. " I told her with an apologetic look on my face. I was such an idiot. Now she's going to hate me.

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