Another Unbelievable Talk [6]

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                                   Author's Fabulous Message

It's best if you read this chapter very carefully so you can understand the future chapters even more! Because if you don't then I am very sure you will get confused. And that's about it! Or is it? *tries to wiggle eyebrows and epically fails* Damn.

I hope no llama chases you today! Let me tell you that it's not a good experience. =.= Did you guys know that they don't like being stared at? I tried staring at one before and it stared back at me before chasing me. D:

Nachos! Anyone else here imagines every nacho with a moustache? Anyone? No? Well shit. I guess It's time for me to move on. Even though I know it hurts, it's for the best. ;___; Bayiiiee!


Another Unbelievable Talk [Chapter Six] 

Ethan's POV

" Alright. Tell me everything you know. " I told Natalie and she just raised an eyebrow at me.

" You do know that the my part of the promise is for me to answer your 'questions' and not to just blurt out whatever I want. I can't tell you anything unless you ask me an actual question. " she told me and I felt stupid.

" Fine! Uhm then will you tell me everything that has to do with whatever this place is. And can you please tell me what the 'people' here are? " I asked her and she frowned.

" That is a lot of explaining to do. " she said but then she shrugged. " All right you better listen carefully cause I'm not repeating any of this again. " I nodded and she started explaining.

" This whole place here, and I'm not just talking about my land but everywhere here in general, is The Night Realm. " she raised a hand at me as I was about to interject and I pouted but nodded at her to continue.

" Decades ago, Humans and Creatures lived together in harmony. And judging from the word 'Creatures' I'm talking about people with powers, shifters, basically they are what you call your mythical beings. " she stopped and looked at me if I was still following and I silently nodded.

" Both beings had a royal family which ruled their own species. A Human Male took on the role of their leader at that time and a Vampire male ruled the Creatures. Bothe beings needed food to survive too so food was regularly distributed.

One day, the Humans found it unfair that more food were being transported to the Creatures than them. Of course the creatures fought back, stating that Creatures feed more than humans.The small disagreement soon grew larger and larger by the minute. And the next thing you know, everyone was getting ready for war. The war lasted for about 37 years. Millions of Humans and Creatures fought and families were destroyed.

When the leader of the Humans and the leader of the Creatures saw what was happening, they immediately took action. They decided that it was best to separate the Humans and the Creatures. The Humans stayed in The Day Realm while the Creatures stayed in The Night Realm.

Why call them that? Because in The Day Realm there are more hours in the morning than there is at night. While in The Night Realm, there are more hours at night than in the morning.

Both realms are separated by a portal. The portal can only be opened by the military group of the Creatures. Yes. There's a military. There are still those nasty troublemaking Creatures. People in the military are the only ones taught how to open the portal. With an exception of the royal family of course.

If you are wondering why the humans can't access the portal, it's because no one remembers how. No one does anymore. They don't even remember the Night Realm which is kinda sad.

Anyways, in The Night Realm there are 4 great family names. Each family lives in their own corresponding estate. I'm going to tell you these 5 names in order by the least known and least influential to the greatest which is the royal family.

Not anyone can be a part of the family. The members are destined to be in that family. And if you are a destined member, then you have to preform a ritual. The ritual consists of you giving a drop of your blood on a glass of water and offering it to the head of the family. While the head of the family, will offer you her blood on water too. The both of you exchange cups and before drinking it, you recite a sacred oath. After reciting the oath, you drink the cups and a bond will form as you will then become a part of the family.

The first family I will tell you about is the Trevoir Family. Their family consists of 10 members. Take note that a family can only have a maximum of 10 members. Maids and gardeners and etc. are not counted. Their family focuses on agriculture. They are the ones who produce food for us. Though they are very important in keeping us alive, their strength in combat is very weak which explains the many soldiers guarding their estate. Their head of the family is a male.

The second family is the Archer Family. Their family consists of 7 members. They specialize in medical services. They are usually the ones who are called for whenever there are epidemics or serious illnesses. Their services are never free of course. They mostly treat the royal family which I will explain later. Their head of the family is a female.

The third family is the Chase Family. They consist of 5 members and are highly trained assassins. They can kill anyone without a doubt in a matter of hours if not minutes. They are usually the ones who train our military so they know how to open the portal. Their assassinating services cost a lot since all of them keep a low profile. Their head o the family is male and don't you dare tell anyone I told you that! " she told me and I quickly nodded my head.

Wow. All that information. Just wow. Now we're down to the royal family. I wonder who could be so lucky as to have such a luxurious life?

" And finally we have the Scarlet family which is the royal family. " wait what?! Did I just hear her say that correctly?

If I remember correctly, her last name was Scarlet right?! So that means! That means that she...!!

" Before you give me that look, let me at least finish explaining! " she quickly told me and I nodded. This girl had a lot of explaining to do.

" As I was saying, the Scarlet Family is the royal family. They or should I say we make the big decisions. We are the ones who take care of the economy and such. Yes. We use money here as well. There's no such thing as free in this world anymore. We use gold coins and gold bars here.

Our family is responsible of making sure that the other 3 families behave and we also have our fair share of caring for the army. If for example, a Human discovers he or she has powers o sorts then we will immediately track them down and force them to live here.

We also have a lot others to do but that's just boring and uninteresting stuff. Our family has 9 members! And to answer the question that I know is in your head right now, yes I am a part of the Scarlet Family. I am their head. It's nice to officially meet you. " she ended and silence filled the room.

" So you're basically telling me that you're some kind of queen? " I asked her slowly.

" Well, I prefer being called mistress but whatever floats your boat. " she shrugged at me.

I was sitting with a queen. Me. This pathetic nobody was sitting with a queen. Okay what?

" Ah, will you look at that. " she said while looking at a clock that was hanging on a nearby wall. " It's 6:00 A.M. now. I'm sure you must be pretty tired. The party most likely ended already. Come with me and I'll take you to a room where you can rest. We'll talk about my end of the bargain at lunch. And I'll introduce the rest of my family to you then! "

I just nodded my head at her as my mind was slowly processing everything that she had just explained.

I couldn't remember myself getting to the room Natalie told me about so I most likely must have fainted.

I guess fainting must be my thing.

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