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You look in the mirror and smile your Dirty Diana costume was on it showed your stomach showed along with your navel ring. You stepped out the bathroom after finishing your make up. In your bedroom you see Michael in his white button up collar shirt and his bad pants . "Hey sweetie" you say as Michael turned and smiled "YN come here" Michael said as he beckons you over you sexually walk over and... *SMACK* Michael spanks your ass and you squeaked at the sudden action.

"Bastard" you say as you hear your kids laughing in their room. "Mom come look at blanket" Michelle your eldest daughter said as she tied her hair in a bun for her make up. You walk in and see blanket in his Thriller costume and sang while doing the dance moves. Prince smiled as he grabbed Michael's fedora for his dangerous costume.

"Jj where's my white socks" Paris asked "dresser" JJ answered as he tried to tie his pink bow tie. (JJ and Michelle are twins) Michelle walked in with her hair down and her thin gold necklace "which song are you" blanket asked "give into me" Michelle said.

"remember blanket I'm Billie Jean" JJ said as he was finished "Paris is ghost, Prince is dangerous, and mom and dad are dirty Diana" Michelle said as she sat on her bed "oh yeah" blanket said. Michael came and smiled as he saw his kids in their costumes "I'm feel so proud" Michael said as he hugged your waist.

"Candy now come on" blanket said as he pushed you and Michael's legs "ok baby-bear relax" Michael said as he picked up blanket.

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