You give birth

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"AHHHHH!" You scream as doctors push you down the hall in a wheel chair "get these demons out of me!" You yell as another contraction hits you. You're put in a room as the doctor and nurse put these medical things on you as you pant. 2 hours go by and you hear a knock on the door. The door opens and you see Michael and his family walks in "Michael come here" you say. Michael ,in fear, tries to run out the room, but Jermain and Marlon grab him "turn back around and go to your wife" Marlon said as Michael walks over to you.
"Yes honey-bunch" Michael says with a nervous smile "come closer" you say, Michael leans in. You smack Michael in the back of the head "you put these hell babies in me" you yell "honey relax" Michael said as he rubs the back of his head. You sit there and cringe in pain till the doctor says you are ready to give birth.

You and Michael go into the birthing area and kids each other good luck "ok now on the count of three push" a nurse said as you nodded "ok! 1...2...3...push!" The doctor yelled as you pushed "come honey!" Michael cheered as he held you hand "ok the baby is crowning another big push" the doctor says as you push again "keep pushing!" The doctor yelled you felt so much pain till, wahhh! You look to see them holding a baby crying "it's a boy!" The nurse announced as she hands the baby over "ok mrs. Jackson we need the second baby out" the doctor says as you groan and got ready. After many pushing you finally got the second baby out "oh my" the doctor says shocked "what?" You asked "nurse get this baby to the emergency care" the doctor says "why? What's happening?!" Michael asked worried "we fear your second child might not live it didn't cry nor move" the doctor says as you silently cry.

You were picked back into your room as Michael told the family the news. You say there alone thinking what would happen 'our baby boy won't grow up with his other half' 'I'll never get them walk at the same time, or talk, or even graduate' 'why? Why me! I want this child to live please god don't kill my baby' the door opens as Michael came in "everyone is staying here till we get further news" Michael said as fresh tears fell from his face.

"baby?" You call out "Michael?" You say as your husband collapse in the chair next to you. "What if the other one doesn't live" Michael whispers "stop it Michael! Don't say that" you say as you grab his hand "YN it's true we didn't even get to know if it's a boy or girl" Michael sobbed as he lays his head in you hands. "Michael if this baby does die can we name it so we'll remember him or her" you ask "of course" Michael said as you two sit there in silence.

A knock came from the door as a nurse enters in the room with one plastic crib. "Look who's here" the nurse whispers as you get a clear look.  Both babies were in the crib slightly squirming "we were able to save her in time" you smile as you see your newborn son and daughter "what would like to name them?" The nurse asked "the boy Michael Joseph Jackson  Jr. And the girl-" Michael named her "Michelle Lauren Katherine Jackson " you smile at the perfect name.

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