Chapter 8

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"I'm home!!" I hear someone with an australian accent say, I guess it's Jasmine's mom.

"We're in the garage!!" Josh says.

"Come on guys dinners in the table."  Jasmine's mom announced.

"Come Marie, we're having Chinese today." Josh said.

After washing my hands and checking myself in the mirror I went to the beautiful kitchen. Everyone was seated around the island. Were a woman with rosy cheeks and perfect hair was pouring lemonade to every cup, although lemonade and Chinese doesn't sound like a good combination it all looked delicious.

"Oh you must be Marie right?" I blushed once I realized I was standing in the middle of the hallway staring at the food like someone who hasn't eaten in years.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Oh I'm Hope." She said, pouring some lemonade on my plastic cup.

"Nice to meet you." I said taking an egg roll.

"So, Josh was just telling me how you play the bass?" She asked.

"Uhmm yeah I play a little." I said.

"Oh shut up you're great!" Jasmine said.

"Yeah..." Riley added.

"I'm sure you guys are great!!!" I said. "But wait what's the name of the band?" I asked.

"Posing Zero." Matt said smiling.

"Oh cool name. Who came up with it?" I asked taking a sip of the sour lemonade.

"That would be me." Kaylynn said. Is she in the band too? I thought.

"You're in the band too?" I asked.

"Oh no! I mean I play the guitar but I'm not in it, I'm more of a manager with Jas." she said pouring more juice on her cup.

"Yup, we're a big team but we're just missing a bassist." She said.

"Yeah." The guys agreed.

"Oh I hope you find it." I said.

"Are you guys serious? Just ask her!" Kaylynn said.

"Ask me what?" I asked oblivious of the situation.

"It's pretty obvious the want you to be in our band.... I mean I haven't heard you playing but you must be good cuz they are being way to nice to you." Kaylynn explained.

"Oh sorry guys but I can't... We don't even know if we sound good together." I explained. Oh don't lie to yourself, you know you want to be in the band....You've never felt so alive in years. I thought.

"Oh please that's the least of our problems, we have a gig and we don't have a bassist!!" Jasmine explained. "Ok tell you what....go to this gig on Thursday and if you don't like it you can go but if you do you stay. Deal?" She asked.

"Ok." I said. I have nothing to lose...


When are you coming home?!?!?

"Shit." I said under my breath. "I have to go." I said standing up.

"I'll walk you out." Brad said.

"Bye guys!!" I said before going to the door.

We walk through another little hallway to go to the door, and open it, being a gentleman.

"Thanks." I said politely.

"No biggie." He said.

"Bye" I said walking to the closest bus stop.

Marie's house.

"I'm home!!" I announced.

"What took you so long?" Mom asked when I entered to the kitchen.

"Uhmm we were reading Moby Dock." I said. " I'm going upstairs, I'm kind of tired." I added.

When I open my room I find Jack seated on my desk.

"What were you really doing?" He asked.

"What are you doing in my room?" I asked ignoring he's question.

"Answer the question." He said.

"I may be part of a band." I said.

"Wow, I didn't expect that.." He admitted.

"Yeah me neither." I sigh sitting next to him.

"Then why are you in it?"  He asked.

"I don't know, i just have to play in one gig on Thursday and I can decide." I explained.

"Oh but there's a problem.." He said.

"What?" I asked.

"You're grounded." He said smirking.


Hey!!! Sorry for this short update but I'll update tomorrow..

Go follow: lilaclukie and heartbreak_hemmings because they are amazing actresses.

Now are you liking it so far? What do you think it's gonna happen?

Thx for reading byeeee


Ps. This wasn't editedso sorry for any errors.

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