Lets Talk

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So, I was Tagged by JanetplysMC to do a speech thing. So, why not just give it a shot!!

So, in humanity, we are all not gonna be perfect. However, there are people out there who don't understand that. There are going to be people out there who are going to make your life a horrible mess, just because they expect you to be "perfect," to be like them.

If you are going through a tough time of people telling you that you are straight up "ugly" or just straight a "slut" "whore" "total bitch" and all these other horrible names, ignore it. Let me tell you something, I know people tell others that if you don't wish to talk about anything bad to your parents then you don't have to, and you really don't have to.

However, if you really need to talk to someone, then parents are always a person that you can trust. They may always get mad at you and stuff like that but that doesn't mean that they won't help you with any problem you have.

They are always there to help. One other thing, if you ever start believing in what those people say about you, then you need to go and find someone else that will actually be helpful and will make you happy. The fact that you even stay there just makes them want to call you names even more! You give them that privilege!!

Never stay there and just listen to it all!! Also, when you try and say something, they already know now what gets you ticked, now they are going to continue doing that! Why? BECAUSE YOU SAID SOMETHING!!

You can't give others that privilege! You are gonna go through these things!! You need to be able to manage this emotions you have! Because, ain't no one gonna do it for you! Stop saying that you can't do it! Because you can do it, it's just that you just don't do it!!

I am just throwing the truth so don't get mad here, but bare with me on this. People say that you need to go to a positive area and that is good!! Always stay in a POSITIVE area!! Never go anywhere that you know that is not gonna make you happy.

You are the only person who knows who you are!! No one else can know what you like or what you feel more comfortable in. Also, don't ever fake a smile. Faking a smile will not get you anywhere and it is never really gonna help you because you still feel like you are going to cry or that you feel depressed. You still have those depressing thoughts and those sad memories.

Faking a smile to everyone else is like lying in front of your best friends saying that you are all good but really your not!! If you need to let something out to them then do so! They may not get what you are sad about but they can try!!

Don't ever push people away from things that you know for a fact you need help in, because then when you need them finally, they are already gone and now you are lost without anyone! You need to let people in!!

Stay happy, find your happy place and go to it. Be alone if you need to, politely tell everyone that is asking to help that you rather be alone right now, don't ever yell, even when you are annoyed, it's disrespectful!!

Last thing I am going to say, always stay confident about yourself,never let anypne put you down and don't put yourself down! You are a wonderful person that has a love filled heart!! You are a child of god, if something was to ever bring you down, then just find someone that can help you!

I hope you take these things and put them in your life style. I am sorry that this was long and stuff but I hope it helped. I know that there was possibly a part where it just changed course of the topic but I was really just ranting and stuff but I just wanted to say these things....and because I was sort of tagged by it XD.

sbsparklezpizza _Authentic CharcoalBunny I tag you guys to do this and anyine qho read this and wants to do it!! Basically, you just have to make and inspirational speech thing. Kinda how I did or you can loo at Insanity_FY speech she made on her Love Behind Bars book (awesome book btw)

So, yeah....I hope you guys do the do and YAYAY BACK TO WRITING NEXT CHPATER FOR THIS STORY!!!! SEEEEEE YAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!

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