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....Where did you go?.....

Tom's POV:

12:30 pm, Cassel Residency, Nov 11, xxxx

"Jordan!! Help! Please!" I yelled to Jordan as I was on the floor with James sitting on me. "Why are you guys on the floor?" Jordan asked with a smirk.

"I wanted somewhere to sit! Tom took my spot on the floor so I sat on top of him," James said as I was slowly started to feel dizzy. "Yeah? Well, you are going to kill my boyfriend and I don't think that he would want to die because someone was sitting on him and he lost oxygen due to it, I don't think he will like his cause of death," Jordan said as he snickered a little.

"Okay, fine!! However, he better not steal any more of my seats!!" James warned as he got up and I could finally breath.

"Jesus mate!!!! You honestly nearly killed me you bastard!!" I exclaimed as Jordan chuckled and James smriked while rolling his eyes.

"At least it taught you to never steal my seat ever again!" James said and I laughed as I slowly tried getting up.

"Ugh, Wag, sometimes I feel like you are the true devil," I commented as I stood up.

"Maybe, I am just naturally evil," He replied and I pounted a finger at him. "Hey!! The only evil one here is me!! Back up!!" I exclaimed and James and Jordan laughed as Tucker and Sonja jogged over to us.

"Hey, so guys, guess what!!" Sonja cheered. I looked to the two and smiled. "What?" I asked and Jordan and James turned their attention to Sonja.

"So, we are invited to Mr. Lancaster's home but Leilani won't be there because she will be with her friends and she will be gone for like the rest of the day until tomorrow! So, who wants to go?!" Sonja asked.

I thought for a moment. Would it be a good idea? Ugh, this is one of those moments that I just wish Syndicate was here with me! He hasn't been talking to me ever since me and Jordan started going out!

I don't know what is his problem! Why did he wanted me to wait?! It makes no sense!!

"Hm, we can go but we can't stay long!! We have to at least get home before midnight, my mother told me more murders happen by then," James warned and we all nodded.

"It would be nice to hand out with Mr. Lancaster! He is a cool dude. What do you think Tom?" Jordan asked me and I smiled.

"Yeah! Let's do this!!!!" I cheered. "Yayayay!!!! We are hanging out with Mr. Lancaster!!!!" Sonja cheered.

I think this will go well.

9:00pm, Lancaster Residency, Nov 11, xxxx

"Come on, let us all say hi together!" Sonja practically begged and I just rolled my eyes. "Now, why would we do that? It just seems weird," James said as we just stood in front of Mr. Lancaster's door. "Come on!" Sonja whined and we all just practically gave in.

I knocke on the door and held Jordan's hand in mine. We heard footsteps coming but it was multiple, like, two people were coming. The door opened. "Hi!!" We all cheered in unison. It was Leilani, who didn't look pleased to see us.

"Dad!!!! Why are these idiots here?!?!" Leilani basically screamed to her dad behind her. "I invited them, I mean, you are going to be with your friends so, you will be totally fine," He said with a nervous smile.

She rolled her eyes and just left to the car parked in front of the house with a woman waiting there with another young girl.

"Uh, just come on in! She really won't come back until tomorrow," Mr. Lnacastr said as he nervously chuckled.

We all walked in and just sat on his couch. He gave us all some hot chocolate considering it was getting really cold lately. I took a quick sip of my hot chocolate and placed it on the table.

"Mr. Lancaster, why does Leilani not approve of Jordan or Tom or any of us for that matter?" Tucker asked as he looked at Mr. Lancaster. He only smiled softly.

"Well, I guess it is because she just was upset that she lost someone she actually liked and then no one comes to the rescue for her," Mr. Lancaster said.

"However, we tried to tell her and save her from a drastic heart break that could have happened!" Sonja exclaims. "You make it sound like Jordan would cruelly decline her!" Tucker said and we all laughed.

"I don't know, Leilani is just a bit fragile I guess, ever since the death of her mother," Mr. Lancaster said softly. 

"Oh no, her mother is dead?!" Sonja said and Mr. Lancaster nodded. "How?" Jordan asked. "Murder, she was walking back home one day and there was a man running away and she noticed something and went after him but she was stabbed multiple times from the man, he was carrying a knife," Mr. Lancaster explained.

I heard a knock on the door and Mr. Lancaster checked who was there throught the peephole. He gasped and looked to us with wide eyes. "It is the men that are wanted!!" He quietly eclaimed as he motioned for us to head upstairs.

We quickly went up and we went to his bedroom. "Stay here, I will handle them!!" He said and closed the door and went ba k downstairs.

"Guys, I don't wanna die!! Oh my god!!!!" Sonja whisper-yelled as Tucker was trying to comfort her as much as he can.

"It's okay Sonja! We're not gonna die!" I said. I heard a lot of movement happening. "Where is he?! He needs to be here somewhere!! Where are you hiding him?!" I heard a man yell.

I looked back and saw James taking the covers and tying them together to make a rope. "Perfect Wag! Keep doing that! It could help with making an escape," I said as I helped him with the last tie and looked out the window. The bedroom was near the back of the house upstairs so the window was facing the backyard.

I opened the window and Wag and I placed the makeshift rope down to the bottom. It was a perfect length and we tied it to a bar next to the window sill.

"Okay, Wag go, Tucker, Sonja, you guys will go after him, then you Jordan!" I ordered as I heard Mr. Lancaster trying to stall. Wag got on the makeshift rope and went down quickly and then Tucker was going down and I was helping Sonja to get on.

"Tom, are you sure about me going next?! I really think you should go before me!" Jordan tried reasoning but I shook my head as Sonja was going down.

"No, they want you and I want to protect you as much as I can!" I said and brought him to the rope. "Just get down and don't worry about me!" I said. He nodded and made his way over the window sill.

I heard the door being broken down and found two really buff men loking straight at us. "There they are!! Get them!! Now!!" One of them yelled as they moved out the way to let more men in.

"JORDAN GO!!" I yelled but it was like Jordan was frozen in time. I had no choice but to push him down and he yelped. I remember being forcefully grabbed and pinned down and hearing the men yelling about going downstairs and getting Jordan.

Then I remember them saying something to me but I can't remember what, and Then....Black.

A/N: Hehe >:3 I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I will see you guys next time!! SEE YA!!!!!!!!!!

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