Chapter 6-~ Day 3

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Theo's POV

Uncle Niall's been really sad. Every time he thinks I'm not looking at him he looks like he's going to cry. I don't want my Uncle, sad. He's sad then I'm sad.

Niall's POV

I looked at Theo as he sang along to Mickey Mouse Club House. Wouldn't be great hearing him calling me Daddy? I bet it's gonna be more than awesome even if he don't know I'm his real Dad.

"Hey bud! Can I tell you a secret?" he looked at me confuse but nodded his head anyway.

"Sure, what is it Uncle Ni?" he smiled.

"Did you know I had a baby boy before?" he looked at me, confused while sitting on my lap.

"But how Uncle? You're a boy." he frowned.

"Well, there are some boys who can get pregnant and, luckily, I'm one of them."

"Oh! Where is he then? Can I meet him soon?" he asked excitedly.

"I-- I gave him for adoption babe. I don't know where he is right now." I said, fidgeting.

"What? Why? You're a bad Daddy, Uncle Ni." he said as he decided to sit on the floor instead.

"I'm so sorry baby. I didn't know what to do. I was lost. I'm so sorry."

"Hey, don't cry Uncle Ni. I didn't mean it that way. Please don't cry. I love you."

"I'm really sorry." I said kissing his head.

"I can pretend to be your son all day." he smiled and I broke down even more. You don't have to pretend Theo, you didn't need to.

"Please stop crying, Daddy."

I love you so so much baby.


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