Chapter 7~~~ Seventh Day

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Chapter 7~~~ Seventh Day

Yesterday was one of the best days of my life. Theo called me Dad all day.

Today may or may not be exciting. Louis and Harry called saying they're in Dublin and are going to visit me and Theo. Well, I cant say no to that.

"Okay bub. You gotta behave okay? Uncle Lou and Haz will be here any minute now. Can I count on you?"

"Okay!" he said enthiustically as I kissed his forehead.

"Well, that must be them. C'mon." I said as I carried him.

"Welcome Larry and Liam you're here?" Okay, this wasnt part of the plan wtf.

"Yeah, Louis and Harry told me they'll visit you so I said why not come?"

"Hi Uncle Louwee, Uncle Harry, and Uncle Liam." Theo said.

"Come in boys!" I ushered them to the living room as I put Theo on the couch.

I went to the kitchen to turn off the stove and I can hear Theo talking to the boys.

"Oi oi! Little maan, what up?" Louis said as he tickled Theo.

"Louis be careful." I scolded him.

"It's okay Daddy." he smiled.


"Boys! Language!"

"Didn't Uncle Ni tell you? I'm calling him Daddy because he misses his son and he's sad and I dont want that so Im his son for now." he giggled at their stunned faces.

"Niall?" Liam asked.

"Well talk about this later when Theo's taking a nap."


"What the hell was Theo talking about?" Louis screamed.

I looked at the floor, close to tears.

"Remember when I took a break? That was the reason, I was pregnant." I mumbled.

"But Ni, how? who's the father?" Harry asks this time.

"I always knew I was a carrier but I was too drunk to remember." Liam perks up.

"Im the father, arent I?" he asked coldly.

I didn't know what to say. They cant find out now.

"For fuck sake, ANSWER ME NIALL!!" Liam screamed frustratedly.

"YES! YOU'RE THE FATHER!" I answered him, sobbing.

Liam punched the wall and I cringed. He's never been this mad.

"Why didn't you tell him? Us? Why Ni?" Harry asked calmly.

"Nobody wants to be friends with a freak Harry. Im not suppose to be pregnant. Im a boy. I never told Liam because he was happy with Sophia and I cant ruin someone's happiness."

I hugged my knees and continued talking, "I was so scared. I wasnt supposed to be pregnant. So I did the first thing that came onto my mind. I went home. I went away to hide from everybody. I dont want fans to think Im a freak. They'll hate me."

"Where's my son?" Liam asked, he's furious.

I shut my eyes. I wasnt ready for this to happen. I shook my head, they cant know yet. He cant yet. Now's not the time.

"I c-cant tell you yet. Please Liam!"

"Talk to me when you're ready to tell me who." He shouted as he got his things and left. That left me sobbing, he hates me. Larry kept quiet after he left.

"Daddy?" I cried more when I heard Theo.

"Hey, you're up already?" I asked wiping my tears away.

He frowned, "You're crying, why?"

"Just happy baby. Now, why dont you play with Uncle Lou and Uncle Haz while I go cook lunch dinner?" He nodded kissing my cheek before going to Louis.

I excused myself and went to the kitchen. They werent supposed to know now. Now, Liam hates me and I ant do anything about it. Unless I tell him who our son is but Im not ready. Theo's not ready.

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