Chapter 8- Going Home

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Niall's POV 

Greg and Denis are coming home any minute and I dont know what to think. I want to tell Liam but I cant tell Theo yet. He's still young and he's gonna hate me. 

"WE'RE HEEEEEEREEE!" I hear Greg shout from outside. 

"Daaaaaddyyyy!" Theo shouts excitedly and run to the door. 

"Hey bub. Did you have a good time with Uncle Niall?" Denise asks.

"Yep and other Uncles were here too." GReg raised his eyebrows.

"They visited for a while." I answered. 

"Oh, as much as I'd love stay. We need to go home Niall. Go on bub give Uncle Niall much much much love." 

Theo hugged me and whispered, "If your son was here Uncle he'll tell you you're be the best dad in the world because you are to me."

I couldn't help but tear up a bit. I need to go tell Liam. 

"Thanks, bub. See you next week." I smiled as I saw their bodies retreat to their car. 

Now, all I need to do is make Liam understand. 

~~~Next Day

I flew to London last night and I'm on m way to Liam's house. To say I'm nervous is an understatement. 

I can hear music playing loudly in Liam's house and decided to call him instead. A few rings he still didn't answer so, "LIAM FVCKING PAYNE! ANSWER THIS DOOR OR I WILL BREAK IT.!" 

He opened the door with a smirk, that bastard. "What can I do for you Niall fvcking Horan?" 

"Wipe that smug out of your face, I need to talk to you." 

"So finally decided to tell me the truth?" I sighed.



A/N" Sorry it's short guys! I'm just not feeling the best tbh. The nelena issue is giving me so much pain it's not normal. As you guys know, I've been shipping niam since 2016 and it's just too painful for me. I dont know why I'm so emotional when it comes to niam and I fvcking hate it. I will forever believe niam is real and tbfh, Niall deserve so much better. All of the rumours just get to me easily even tho it's not real I just I need help. Okay, I'm sorry again for the short chapter. 

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