ALL OF THS STORY IS BEING RE-EDITED TO BE IN A THIRD PERSON POINT OF VIEW (and to be better in general because my writing was even more shitty before than it is now and Michael is going to be more of a sassy bad bitch now so yeah okay continue)

The time was roughly about 7:00 a.m when Michael woke up for his first-day school, he stretched out his limbs before sitting up on his fluffy bed and swinging his legs over the side of it. The boy let out a yawn due to still being somewhat tired, but that was expected. He then went to his closet to bring out his outfit for the day which was a green plaid skirt and a polo shirt. Michael knew he was going to receive mean names from others because he wore these clothes but he rather be himself and love who he is than hate who he is and please others, but that doesn't mean the mean comments don't get to him sometimes. The coloured haired boy took his towel that was hung up behind his bedroom door and made his way to the bathroom to take a shower before Calum got over here to walk to school with Michael. The tall boy got in the bathroom and started stripping himself of his clothes as soon as he locked the door. Michael set the water to a warm temperature and went in as soon as it was heated enough; he rubbed soap down his body letting the warmth of the water surround him as he lost himself in thoughts that were most likely insignificant to anything.

When the boy did come out of the shower, he went back to his room humming 'Teenagers' by MCR. Once Michael lotioned himself and got his clothes on, he went downstairs to eat some scones with raspberry jam with his headphones blasting music in his ears. Next thing the male knew is that he was dancing around the kitchen while eating the raspberry scone that was in his hand. However, he soon heard the doorbell ring as well as a loud knock at the door and knowing it was Calum he grabbed his bag and went to the front door with a few in a plastic bag for his friend. "Hey Mikey," The Maori boy said in a somewhat loud tone, giving his friend a hug which Michael gladly accepted "I got you food," Michael said handing him the baggy which Calum took with a smile on his face. "Thank you, Mikey," Calum said before taking a piece of one and eating it. "It's really good" He mumbled through a mouth filled with food in which Michael grimaced at him. "Close your mouth when you're eating bro," The taller male said as he handed his buddy a napkin that he had in the pocket of his jacket which Calum thanked him for it.

The two boys made their way off to school talking about how Nintendo should stop making so many different devices to play Pokemon on. (yes bitch, I'm salty because I haven't been able to play Pokemon since Pokemon black and white which was on the DSi) "Fag" Is all Michael had heard before he did an 180 spin to the person behind him, who ended up bumping into bumping into his chest "The fuck you say?" The feminine clothed boy said looking down to the shorter person who just yelled at him "B-Bag I said bag I forgot to get it from my house." The girl lied because she was clearly wearing her school bag on her back "Good, that's what I thought." He turned fast enough to make sure his skirt hit her and as he was walking away with Calum he made sure that he put a little extra sway in his step to make that bitch realise that he could look way better in feminine clothes than she can. "Mikey you're a fucking savage" Calum chuckled, and Michael only smirked saying "Yes bitch I know."

When the two got to the school, they let out a long exasperated sigh. They had to go to the office to get their locker number and luckily this year they chose to let you pick two friends to be beside so Michael knows for sure that he's beside Calum. The tall lad was correct Calum's locker was right beside his which made him euphoric. The two best friends had every class together which was even better because Michael would always have someone to talk to, they then walked towards the classroom and entered. The taller male was the first to realise that the teacher was not here as of yet "The teacher isn't her Cal." Michael murmured, and Calum only shrugged "Well I need to pee so you coming?" The Maori boy asked, and Michael shook his head. "When you say you're gonna piss you go on your phone, and you see your Andy Biersack wallpaper, then you end up masturbating to him, and I don't want to be there for that" Michael stated with a grimace "Okay your loss." Calum shrugged and left Michael in the empty classroom. Michael sat down close to the back of the classroom, and he reserved a seat for Calum by placing his book bag on it. As soon as Michael did that; a blonde man came in(side Michael's tight asshole) the classroom looking a bit disoriented. He had his hair swooped to the right along with eyes that were bluer than the ocean; the boy couldn't help but stare at the beautiful man. "You okay over there?" The man chuckled, and that snapped Michael out of his gaze "Yeah, I'm alright." The younger spoke giving the gentleman a broad smile which, the adult returned.

Not long after the bell rung and Calum still wasn't back and Michael was well aware that he wasn't coming back for this period, but he would be coming to something else. Students flooded in like sleepy zombies and social butterfly's, and the latter annoyed the living shit out of Michael. About five minutes into this forty minute period there was a voice cleared at the front of the room that captured everyone's attention "Hello everyone, my name is Mr Hemmings, and I'm a new teacher at this school. I'm going to be teaching math this year, and I will also be your homeroom teacher. So how about I learn a few new names and then questions can be asked" The man spoke confidently which Michael adored, and everyone replied to him with an exaggerated 'yeah'.

After role-call, Mr Hemming decided to accept some questions now. The first to ask was some brunette who's named something like Erica? He wasn't sure, but she asked if he had a girlfriend and he replied with a simple no. "How old are you," some other girl asked "Twenty-four" Mr Hemmings answered with his signature smile which made Michael swoon at the sight. The thought going through Michael's head when he saw that smile his first thought was 'Where did my virginity go' as well as.'I think I'm pregnant, and I'm a dude'. Michael tuned into the conversation again when someone asked: "Are you gay?" The younger was hoping and begging that the answer was yes, even if this was a pointless fantasy because why would a teacher fuck a student? "You guys like to dive in deep don't you? and that's confidential." The elder laughed. "What's your name?" a girl named Maddison asked, but after she whispered under her breath with a smirk 'I bet it's daddy.' "It's Luke, but students will address me as Mr Hemmings" His stare was intense on that girl but not like a lust filled one more of 'I'm not a sex object, stop it' kind of look, he probably heard what she muttered. "Well, does anyone else have any questions?" He asked with his pearly whites showing "How about you Michael? You seem intrigued." Mr Hemmings said the last part under his breath to the point nobody heard it, but meanwhile, Michael was melting because out of the 30+ kids in his homeroom his teacher chose him to ask a question. "Um sure uh, why did you want to become a teacher" He knew he would gain brownie points for this question by the way his teacher's eyes lit up, passion was the emotion Luke was feeling at that moment. "I've always had a thirst to learn, and I want to try to inspire, motivate, encourage people like my past teacher's had with me" Mr Hemmings seemed so fervent about teaching, and it warmed Michael's heart. The teacher Mr Hemmings had a blush on his face once he noticed that he was rambling now and the only one actually paying attention to what he said was Michael. "Anyway, everyone can carry on conversation until the end of class if you please" The room filled with chatter afterwards and Calum still hadn't come back which Michael mentally rolled his eyes at the thought.

When Michael was wrapped up in his own thoughts as well as doodling on a piece of paper that was on the desk since he came in, he felt a tap on his shoulder. The younger looked up at his educator who just touched his shoulder for a reason he was unknowing of "You alright on your own over here? You seem rather lonely over here" The blue-eyed man said to Michael while crouching down next to the boys desk "No, I'm fine thank you for asking though Mr Hemmings." Michael spoke with a smile on his face which the elder returned. "Okay, if you require my presence I'll be at the front alright," The blonde whispered with a smile on his face, his pearly whites complimenting those big blue eyes and Michael nodded in response. The boy continued doodling on the paper and humming songs to himself, but he couldn't keep his eyes off his beautiful teacher. Michael just ended up staring at him and drawing hearts onto the paper, every time the teacher caught Michael staring he just winked at the younger or smiled widely.

By the end of class, Michael's cheeks were redder than a baboon's butt, and it's all because of his teacher. The one with those beautiful blue eyes, teeth whiter than his skin; his perfect complexion, and his passion. There was so much more to love and adore about the man, and he is truly one of a kind; sui generis if you will, and Michael absolutely loved it. But it's his teacher so nothing more could happen from a professional relationship and that's the part that broke Michael's heart

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