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The day started out terribly for Michael; there was no debate on that. The bullying has gotten worse, and it's taken a toll on his attitude. It all started in the morning when he checked his Instagram. The comments below his photos were either bigots, people of ignorance, etc. People were just plain mean, and it didn't help the fact that he's struggling to be himself off the internet. Michael usually ignores the hate but his 'don't give a fuck' switch in his brain was broken today, and there was nothing he could do to help it. Calum rang the doorbell and Michael appeared soon after "Let's go" Michael grumbled pushing past Calum aggressively and leaving his friend behind him. "Michael whoa, what was that?" Calum asked after jogging after his tall friend. "What the fuck did you think it was? I'm walking to school." "Could you stop being so rude to me? I didn't do anything to you" Calum said; his voice cracking as he does. "Well if you can't fucking handle it then leave," Michael said running further from Calum, knowing Calum couldn't catch up because he was significantly shorter than Michael.

Michael ran the rest of the way, and it was just his luck because started raining, great. The galaxy haired boy sprinted until he got to the school grounds, chest burning from the workout. All he wanted to do is go home and sleep while his mother isn't there, but sadly that wasn't going to happen anytime soon. He went to his locker and used it quickly so he wouldn't have to face Calum in case he did come. Calum doesn't do well with fights he tends to cry a lot, and he usually doesn't want people to see. Michael then went to the bathroom. He needed to take a moment for himself so he went into the disability stall because they're always the cleanest; only to see things about him written on there 'Clifford must be in here because of his mental disability to realise he's a guy lmao.' 'stop wearing skirts you fucking fag, it doesn't make you a girl'. Michael was done, all he could do is cry. He's taken enough shit from everyone and has been strong for so long. He just wanted it to stop. The young boy didn't realise that he'd been in the bathroom crying for the past twenty-seven minutes he knew he had to leave soon, and he also was expecting to receive a detention.

He hiked up his skirt, put in some eye-drops and left the bathroom once his eyes reverted to their original colour. Michael didn't rush to class since he was late anyway so there wasn't a point in rushing. By the time Michael got to the classroom he was hesitant to go in; unknowing if he was going to cry again. He gave himself a mini pep-talk before walking into the room filled with his peers. "Mr Clifford, you're late," Mr Hemmings said while looking at the boy strut to his seat. Michael just rolled his eyes saying 'whatever' to his teacher before sitting down. Luke was surprised at Michael's hostile approach and seemed taken aback when he heard the galaxy haired boy say that. Michael sat in his seat that was in the back; Calum wasn't in class, and that made the tall boy sigh.

Before Michael knew it; he was being shaken awake by someone "Could you kindly fuck off" he mumbled to the unknown person shaking him awake. "I'm afraid not Mr Clifford," Mr Hemmings said to the sleepy boy in front of him who didn't seem to give a single fuck that he slept through the whole period. "Michael, you slept through the entire class, are you alright?" Luke asked the boy who was almost his height "Yeah, of course, I'm fucking okay my piece of shit teacher is just upsetting me is all." Michael grumbled. Michael most always took the hostile route when he's sad or mad, and we all know it wasn't ending well for Michael Clifford. "Michael you know I can't permit poor behaviour like this. I have to give you a detention" Luke put his arms on the boy's desk and leant over a bit to establish authority, which Michael couldn't be bothered to give a single shit about. "Yeah, whatever I'll see you after school asshole," Michael said taking his bag and leaving the classroom while Luke just stood there in bewilderment. 

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