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Michael didn't want to go to detention, but that would only get him into more trouble, and that's the last thing he desired right now. He trudged into the detention room only to see students filling up all the chairs except one, and Mr Hemmings with his feet put up on his desk as he leant back in his chair. "Take a seat, Mr Clifford." Mr Hemmings said pointing at a chair in the last row of desks which made Michael let out an agitated sigh but followed Luke's orders.

The pale boy sat down and slumped in his chair letting out another sigh. He wanted to apologise to Calum and sleep, but neither of those things would be happening anytime soon; at least not for the following hour or so. About five minutes into detention it remained almost dead silent besides the minor foot shuffling or pencil tapping which made Michael want to yell at everyone for making those annoying noises. "Hey," a boy whispered to Michael. "Hey Michael, it's me Ashton" He whispered, and Michael slightly turned his head to see his skirt wearing acquaintance. "Ashton? How did you get in here?" Michael questioned because he knew Ashton was a goody-two-shoes. "I was late this morning, and Mr Stevens gave me detention" the honey-haired boy shrugged. "How did you get here? You're never late." Ashton asked curiously, and Michael just shrugged saying "I was this time. I also may have fallen asleep in class and sassed Mr Hemmings." Ashton nodded and looked to the front to see Mr Hemmings eyeing the boy beside him. "Michael, don't look now, but the teacher is eyeballing you" Ashton whispered to the tall boy who was silently doodling on a piece of paper. "Hm?" Michael mumbled and looked upwards which almost made Ashton facepalm. Mr Hemmings kept his gaze on Michael even when the boy saw him staring. The coloured haired boy shifted uncomfortably, but the teacher still kept his eyes on him.

Detention ended soon enough, and everyone flooded out of the classroom as soon as they dismissed. However, Michael had been the last one to leave, and that might've been a mistake. "Michael, may I please talk to you for a moment" Mr Hemmings spoke up as soon as everyone left. "Um, yeah I guess so," Michael said making his way to the front where the teacher sat. "So, Michael. I've been observing you for a little while now," "Yeah no shit" Michael murmured while looking down at the ground. "What was that?" Mr Hemmings looked up at the boy. "Nothing, please continue sir." "Well, I've wanted to ask why you stared at me so much on the first day?" Michael was looking for an answer that he could give that wouldn't seem unprofessional or inappropriate, but he couldn't find one. "I-I thought you were beautiful," Michael said in a deep voice, and a blush grew onto Mr Hemmings' cheeks. "Oh well then. I'm flattered." He smiled at the boy, and Michael's heart melted then and there. "It's pleasant to see that you don't always have that hostile exterior" Luke joked, and Michael let out a chuckle. "Did you need me for anything further sir?" Michael asked, but Luke just shook his head. Michael was tired of waiting for what might happen between him and Luke, it's now or never. "Mr Hemmings, could you stand for a second?" The younger boy had a plan, and it was a risky one, but it would be worth it. Mr Hemmings raised an eyebrow but stood up. Michael moved over to him and started kissing his neck; leaving lovely marks there. "M-Michael w-what are you doing" Michael just mumbled a 'hush' and Luke gulped allowing it to happen. "Do you want it? Do you want me?" Michael asked before going further. Luke was hesitant to answer, this could cost him his job! But the pale boy was irresistible, and he didn't want to pass this up "Yes, yes I do."

I meant to get all the chapters in this book updated last week but stuff has been happening sorry, but I'm going to try to get another update out today. Bye hope you have a good day/night <3

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