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Luke was a bit discombobulated when he got into his assigned classroom; nobody assisted him in anything when he got here, and it was a major pain because he's new, doesn't know where he's going or what he was actually supposed to do. To say that he wasn't prepared was a major understatement. When Luke walked in, there was a boy with galaxy hair sitting at a desk in the back row; the chair beside him had had his bag in it 'probably reserved for his friend' Luke thought to himself. It was good that the boy was there because for one Luke wouldn't be lonely and two signs of good students usually mean they're very dedicated; that's a trait Mr Hemmings strongly appreciates. Anyway, Luke had to prepare the classroom before other students flooded in so he did just that. The teacher did. However, he noticed the young boy smiling at him and blushing quite frequently which he found absolutely adorable, but he did look quite dazed. "You okay over there?" Luke chuckled, and the boy snapped out of his daze "Yeah, I'm alright" he said giving Luke a smile which he quickly returned.

Not long after, students flooded into the classroom like a pack of wild beasts which was relatively agitating to the Luke. As the elder continued cleaning up for five more minutes, he decided to capture the attention of the class by clearing his throat; which was extremely effective. "Hello everyone, my name is Mr Hemmings, and I'm a new teacher at this school. I'm going to be teaching math this year, and I will also be your homeroom teacher. So how about I learn a few new names and then questions can be asked." He spoke with every ounce of real and fake confidence to say that; being a teacher doesn't mean they don't get anxiety from time to time and to gain and keep respect from students you need to set a demeanour that shows you're not a push-over so confidence is key.

While going through role-call Luke wanted to make sure he knew and remembered the green-eyed boys' name. "Michael" Luke read from the paper and the pale boy raised his hand. Beautiful name for a stunning boy. Next up were questions, but the only one he didn't care about anyone's questions except when Michael asked one "Um sure uh, why did you want to become a teacher?" Luke's eyes lit up like a bonfire because for someone to inquire a question that didn't revolve around his appearance, sexuality or anything relative to those things made him ecstatic; especially when it was about his passion for something. "I've always had a thirst to learn, and I want to try to inspire, motivate, encourage people like my past teacher's had with me." Luke was so happy to talk about this subject, but he quickly grew minorly self-conscious when nobody was listening, but he saw Michael looking, listening so intently, and it made him content.

"Anyway, everyone can carry on conversation until the end of class if you please." Mr Hemmings said since only a minor amount of this period was left and trying to start a new lesson was basically pointless at this time. Luke then saw Michael sitting alone, doodling and humming in the back while everyone was chatting among one another so Mr Hemmings made the executive decision to go talk to him to make sure he's alright. As Mr Hemmings walked over to him, girls gawked at him while guys kept is subtle. Luke tapped on Michael's shoulder to get his attention "You alright on your own over here? You seem rather lonely over here" Mr Hemmings said crouching next to the green-eyed boy's desk. "Okay, if you require my presence I'll be at the front alright," The blonde whispered with a smile on his face, Michael nodded to him in response. Luke continued with his work but every time the teacher caught Michael staring he just winked at the younger or smiled widely.

Mr Hemmings' first-period class soon came to and end. He sat at his desk thinking about the beautiful boy known as Michael. Michael was like something that floated down from heaven because even a slight movement might ruin the masterpiece. The worst part was that Luke couldn't have him due to him being his teacher, and it was very illegal. Luke could only have his fantasy's. Or at least just for now.

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