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before reading this, please understand that this is after all a short story and i don't capitalize my words for short stories.

please note that the setting is a place i have created; it is fictional and not at all related to any islands of hawaii.

also, rules apply towards my story.

1: don't curse cursing is honestly unnecessary, of course who am i to say what's right or wrong, just wanted to set the rule out there for the little kids. plus, i curse often so i could care less if you curse, just trying to be considerate.

2: don't disrespect it annoys me incredibly when someone disrespects someone else's opinion, even if it's that donald trump is the greatest man on earth. please respect each other's opinions, as insults will be deleted.

3: don't be rude yo, there is no need to be mean and comment stupid things! also, if you notice a grammar mistake no need to nag, i'll fix it if you ask nicely.

4: don't procrastinate i know wattpad is one of those apps that we like to use when we're supposed to be doing algebra equations. i don't care if you hate functions, i'd rather you graph them now and ignore my story than you getting a bad grade because you decided to read another chapter or five.

5: don't copy this is quite simple. don't copy my story, and i won't sue/murder you. :)

okie dokie! (does anyone say that anymore?) please, by all means, enjoy the story now!!


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