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the incident:


silence covered the thick and uncomfortable atmosphere. the wind was harsh, but the air humid enough to make my hair soak.

it has been four days since our last solid meal. we had another MRE, which was disgusting and sickening. i threw it up immediately after.

we entertained ourselves by playing games such as tag and freeze dance, our music in our minds. we would also play i spy, that is until it got so depressing because all we could spy was the water and the sky.

a concern of mine was my armpit hair. it had grown unruly and zach had a full-on beard, dark brown and scruffy.

we were okay, though. somebody was bound to find us.




the therapist was an arrogant asshole with two forks up his ass and an electric outlet on his dick.

he was insensitive and the first response to me not eating for two weeks was, "how is it possible you're still normal weight?"

it wasn't like i wasn't eating or anything. i just wasn't eating full meals. i would eat powdered soups and tea, then i'd feel absolutely disgusted if you handed me a corn dog.

he surely listened to my story, only to put me down and laugh at me.

when i left therapy, xander was waiting for me in the car. i had stormed out of the car and stayed mute to him for the rest of the evening.

i think he knew i wasn't going back again.


the incident:


nobody is coming. i can sense it. my love and i will die in the middle of nowhere and nobody will find our bodies and we will never have a proper burial and our bones will be eaten by sting rays and jellyfish.

zach squeezes my hand weakly and tries to say rasply, "we should...take a nap."

"okay." i say tiresomely. "goodnight."


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