Hazza meeting Louis

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I woke up early to make breakfast. Harry loves me cooking! Harry woke up and saw me "hey baby" he said. Then he kissed me on the cheeks. "Good morining, I made you breakfast" he smiled at me and then he sat down and ate his breakfast slowly. "Any blans for tonight?" He asked. "Umm, I was going to Amy's birthday party.wanna come?" I said "huh, your asking me if I want to spend my day in a pink room with girls talking about girly stuff...as fun as it sounds, I'll have to bass" he said. I smiled and asked "then where are you going?" He said "I think Im going to Adam's house, I wasn't going 'cause I don't know his friends, but I think it will be nice to meet some new people" "okay, have fun" I said.
I came back late that night, I kinda lost time at the party! It was 1:13a.m and I thought harry would be home alrady, but he wasn't. I was gonna call him but I just thought I'd give him some time. I mean... he might have lost time as well, I didn't wanna bush him!

I went to Adam's house, there where lots of guys I didn't know. Adam was busy so I just stood there and said nothing.
I was board so I thought it was time for me to leave. But then I saw him, a very handsome man walking around with beer in his hand trying to get to know some people (like me!) Wait...did I just say handsome?? What the hell is wrong with me!? Any way, he saw me looking at him, yes I was looking at him, no I was staring to be honest! He smiled, I looked away! It was really strange! A man staring at another man!! My heart started beating louder and louder as he came closer and closer! "Hi" he said I didn't know what to do, was he talking to me?? I got the words out of my mouth and said "hi, Im harry" "Im louis" he said. We kept standing and saying nothing! (Soo Weaarrrddd) "uhh dude, Im board and I don't know any one here, let's get out of here and go some where fun" he said. "Yeah? Where to?" I asked. "There is a party going on near my house (his neighbor is having a party) wanna come?" He asked. I was board but also nervous, I didn't wanna be alone with him. He's hot and handsome and.... nooo Im not gay god I have a girlfriend and I love her. Nothing is gonna happen, just say yes, say yes "yeah let's go" I said.
We went to his neighbor's house, it was a big party and lot's of people that I also didn't know! He said "my house is the one next to that one, the light brown one" "oh, it seems nice" I said. We came into the party and l had fun, it wasn't because the party was fun, it was because louis was there! Shit what Am I saying??? Shut up harry shut the hell up.
I lost time with louis and when I opend my phone to cheeck the time it wa 2a.m!! I said goodbye to louis and he gave me his number to call him. He is single, but he's not gay. Im not gay! He asked me to call him to hang out together some day.
I went home and sara "my girlfriend" was sleeping so I just went to a deep sleep right away.

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