our first kiss_birthday boy

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I talked to adam on whats app and I told him that Im trying to break up with sara, and it went like this:
Harry: hi man
Adam:hey, whats up?
Harry:Im ok.
Harry:i need to talk to you about something
Adam:okay, what is it?
Harry:it's about sara
Adam:is she okay?
Harry:yeah she is fine, but the thing is, I don't think it's gonna work out, me and her.
Adam:why not? I mean you like her she likes you why wouldn't it work?
Harry:Im kinda into someone else, I didn't mean to and it's not like Im cheating on her but it's....I don't think its right for us to keep dating.
Adam:and why are you saying this to me?
Harry:because I think likes you
Adam:what??noo harry I don't think she does
Harry:yes she does and even if she doesn't she would as soon as she gets to know you

dam:I don't know, I'll try to date her after you break up.
Harry:yeah about that, I need you to date her before I break up with her!
Adam:is that a joke harry?
Harry:plllzzz adam I need you for this one, I can't just break up with her for no reason!
Adam:so your gonna let her cheat on you to make it a reason?
Harry:no, I know sara she would never do that, She will tell me the truth and she'll be the one to break up with me
Adam:nop, Im not doing it, bye harry
Harry:if I break up with her will you date her?
Adam:yeah I will
Harry:you should be happy, sara is the best
Adam:then why are you breaking up with her?
Harry:because....I......it was nice talking to you adam I'll tell you when we break up
Adam:wait, harry
Last seen, 2:34p.m
Adam:wow, just woooww
And I had to go and break up with her by my self!
God I just don't know what to say.
The next day (the day before my birthday) I called sara and I asked her to go out with me for breakfast.
The second she walked in throw the door, I wanted to just run away. But I didn't, I stood up and said hi and we ordered breakfast.
"Sara, I need to talk to you about something, and..don't get upset okay?" I said. "Okay, what's wrong" she asked. "Umm, the thing is....I.....I am kinda....Im into someone else" I said. My face was down and I couldn't even look at her but as soon as I looked up, she got off of her place, and came to sit next to me. She said "harry, I had a feeling, and it's gonna be really steange if I was wrong. When you said someone else, you didn't mean a girl didn't you? You where talking about louis, am I right? And plz tell me the truth harry" "what?? Noo no way, you....I.....uhh...noooo, uhh yes" I said. "But, how did you know?" I asked. She held my hand and said "harry it's okay to feel that way, you don't have to hide the truth from people, and I knew the second I saw you looking at him that you where in love" "thanks for understanding thou, I thought you'd slap me in the face and leave!" I said. "No I would never do that, we're still friends right?" She said. "Yeah, friends" I said. "Who else knows about that?" She asked. "No one, I don't even know how to tell my mother!" I said. "Just tell her, she is your mom after all she would never hurt you" she said. "Yeah, I guess you're right" I said. "Well I have to go now, bye harry" she said as she was walking away "bye" I said.
I called louis to come bick me up.
On our way home I told him every thing and he was happy I am no longer dating sara and he didn't care about her knowing about us.
I woke up the next day and louis was standing on the bed and singing (more like screaming) happy birthday song. He fell on me and we started laughing hard and then he got up and put his face close to mine, he was breathing heavely 'cause he was moving and screaming a lot. He came a pit closer and he looked at me in the eye as I was laying down, it looked like he was going to kiss me, but he just stood there. I felt like he didn't move 'cause he thought that I didn't want to do it, so I came closer to him, my lips are one inch from his lips, my head was geting heavy, I was about to get my head down to the bellow again when he put his hands in my hair and did it, he kissed me. I put my hands around his waist and pulled him into me. Him and I, me and him, we are kissing. He took his head to the back a little, and it was the end of our kiss. But I didn't want to stop, I didn't want to take my hands of off him. So I started kissing his nick, and he looked at me and smiled with his pink cheeks. I felt like my face was on fire, and I liked it.
That was my first birthday gift, and it was the best. It was the best birthday I ever had already, just one kiss can make me very happy. My heart was beating loud and to be honest, I didn't want it to stop.
Louis looked at me and said "this is gonna be great"
We went to an ice_cream place but as soon as I walked in they started singing happy birthday and they got me a big cake with my nickname on it (hazza) and when they finshed louis said "make a wish hazza, hehe" I closed my eyes and wished for another kiss by the end of this day and I plowed the candle. We ate some of the cake and we left. "Where are we going now?" I asked. "Where do you wanna go?" He asked. "I don't know! I thought you know where we're going" I said. "Yeah I do, but the place we are going to won't open tell 4p.m" he said. "Ummm, I always wanted to try to play video games" I said. "What??? You never played video games???" He asked. "Yeah and now I wanna try" I said. "Okay I know a palce, we'll go there" he said.
We went to a place inside a mall that makes you pay to play some video games. Louis looked at the man by the door and said "ben my man!" Ben said "hey louis, whats up?" "Oh great" he said. He looked at me and said "this is my friend harry, we came to play a little before we go to his birthday party" "oh happy birthday harry, come on in and try this new game it's awesome!" Ben said.
We started playing and louis was soo good at this game and I..... I suck.
I put my hand on louis face so he won't see anything and I could win, but even with his eyes closed he was winning "your still loseing aren't you?" He said. "Shut up=_=" I said while laughing. "Let me open my eyes and I'll let you win" he said. "No, it's not fun when you only win!" I said. "Oh I know how that feel's" he said while laughing. (Game over) I lost again. louis said "we gotta go harry the place Im taking you to is open now" we left and in our way I asked "come on where are we going?" "Let me give you a hit, you'll need new cloth after this" he said. "What? Where come on tell me!" I asked. "Uhh, we are going to the water bark okay? You can not wait not even a second!" He said. "Haha I love the water bark this is gonna be fun, but I didn't get any swiming cloth!" I said. "I took care of that now you come down and wait tell we get there!" Louis said.
We got to the water bark and it was huge!! We went to the mens room to change and we changed our cloth, we both had swiming shorts but mine was a little diffrent than his.
First we went to a really long slide that leads right into the pool, it was sceary but fun! And then we went to the water train, it's a really fast train that some times get's a little under water, and there where so many other things that we played and it was awesome.
At the end we changed our cloth and went home where louis said he had a gift for me. It was a box and when I opened it I saw those amazing sneakers. Just when I was about to say thank you he said "the thing is, you can't go to the x factor with out new shoes!" "Yeah, than....wait what??" I Said. "That's right we are going to the x factor!! We will be solo but it's awesome that we will get to go sing infront of all those peeople, right?" He said. "Yeah, I can't beilive it man where in the x factor!!" I said.
I was so happy we will get to be in the x factor. I love this show I always watch it I think it's gonna be great, but now I'll have to work hard and I'll start working on it tomorrow!

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