hot steamy week_day1

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We took a taxi back to my house. Louis came in with a huge smile on his face so I asked "happy?:)" "hehe yes I am, a hole week just for the two of us" he said. This time I didn't blush or shake or do what ever I always do. I just gave him a tab on the shoulder and smiled.
"Where should I sleep?" He asked. And then he said "I mean, if it was up to me I'd just..." and he smiled with out finshing what he just said. (My face got red again this time) "the guests room is right here" I said clearing what he has in mind is not gonna happen. He asked "where is your room?" "This one, right next to yours" I said. "So, good night hazza" he said. He called me hazza! How did he know my nickname? "How did you know my nickname?" I asked. "I saw a note on your door, she call's you hazza" he said. He was talking about sara and she wrote "the place is all yours, have fun hazza. Sara" I hate that nickname sara and my mom calls me that to piss me off, but when louis said it, I liked it. It sounds so much better when he call's me that. So I smiled and said good night.
I was a sleep intel louis woke me up, he looked a pit scared. I asked him what's wrong and he said "I can't sleep, keep seeing nightmares when ever I close my eyes" so I said "would it help if I stay with you tell you fall a sleep?" "Yeah, I think so" he said. So I went to the guests room with him and I just lay down by his side and he closed his eyes right away and he slept. But then he started moving and he looked un_comfortable and he was talking in his sleep, I think he was asking some one not to let him go. So I just said "I wont let go louis" just to calm him down and he took my hand and said "okay" and he calmed down. After I while I let go of his hands to go to my room but he started screaming so I came back and I held his hand again. He stoped screaming but he was still stresed and he was still talking about things that didn't make any since to me. Then he said "h..h..hz...I need a hug" that was really funny I hugged him and he said "thank you for the cup of tea" "hahaha"(me) and then he said "thank you for the hug" I smiled and closed my eyes giving up to sleep.
*louis* I woke up with harry holding me and hugging me with a smile in his face, he was in deep sleep, what happend? Why was he in my bed. Did I talk in my sleep again? Ohh right I asked him to stay in my room to help me sleep, but I never asked him to hug me. Could it be? he just couldn't get enough of watching me sleep, he had to touch some skin. Hahaha I bet he won't do the same to sara:) i got up of the bed thinking of what else happend last night when harry woke up and said "hey, are you feeling better?" "Yeah, why wouldn't I?" I asked. "Because you kept asking me to hug you and not to let you go, you talk in your sleep,oh any you also thanked me for the cup of tea that I never gave to you" he said. What? So he didn't hug me 'cause he likes me? "Haha it's because I always drink tea before I sleep, and tea has side effects and I guess it makes me talk in my sleep" I said. "Look, Im not a good cook my self so, lets go out for break fast,okay?" He said. Since I couldn't cook as will we went out for breakfast and it was fun. We came back home and he left to take a bath and I asked for some cloth to take a bath as well. He gave me some of his cloth, they smelled like him, and he smells nice €_€

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