Okay so...

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Okay so I was writing a Lysandra and Aedion (I call them Lysandrion) one-shot but then I decided I didn't like it and deleted it all in annoyance. So not I have two options. I can

A) actually come up with a good idea, probably by looking at cute couples on Pinterest or

B) I could decided that 1am is late/early enough to write fluff

I actually want to write a proper length ToG fanfiction at some point, but I'm already writing SHC fanfic and that's only getting updates once every two weeks at most so...

Not for now.

I could just write a chat... I don't know I wanna write something though!

Chaol: your not very good at this are you

Me: I'm trying!

Dorian: see Chaol, at least shes trying

Aelin: she could just write smut. I like smut

Dorian: you wanna read Lysandrion smut?

Aelin: no, I want to enact rowaelin smut

Rowan: that could be arranged

Lysandra: you two can't seriously think this is appropriate to say in front of Evangeline!

Evangeline: you are always telling me to open myself up to new experiences and to listen to my elders

Lysandra: Alein doesn't count

Aelin: of course I don't, I'm only the queen

Rowan: and I'm only the prince

Aedion: and I'm only the other prince

Galan: and I'm only the other prince who was mentioned like once

Dorian: and I'm only the king

Chaol: and I'm only...

Lysandra: yes yes we get it your all very important

Evangeline: why aren't you very important Lysandra what you always say your so influential and that I should follow your example

Aelin: Lysandra is important, I appointed her lady of Lysandrialand and lady of chocolate

Aedion: Is that even a position

Aelin: it is if I say it is

Chaol: I'm pretty sure you can't do that

Aelin: Dorian I appoint you king of puppies

Aelin: Aedion, your prince of puppies

Aelin: Chaol I was going to name you lord of puppies, but I can't decide whether to give that to your or Sam

Rowan: what about me?

Aelin: your king of hotness and birds so don't intervene with the puppy squad

Chaol: is that what we are now

Dorian: I'm up for that

Aelin: Chaol I've decided that your lord of puppies and that Sam keeper of the puppies

Aelin: now I just need someone to be supreme overlord of puppies

Evangeline: I could!

Aelin: sorry Eve its a boys only squad

Evangeline: Eve? That's the dumbest name ever!

Lysandra: Evangeline! I thought I told you to respect your elders

Aelin: I've got it! Lucien shall be supreme overlord of puppies

Aelin: wait! No! Lucien is king of sarcastic hotness, I'm not sure if that also allows him to be supreme overlord of puppies

Aedion: who's Lucien

Feyre: an obnoxious fae

Lucien: always so pleasant Feyre

Chaol: who?

Lucien: I heard my name so I appeared

Feyre: and I followed him

Lysandra: who are you both?

Dorian: I'm so confused!

Lucien: I'm from an alternative reality

Chaol: because that makes complete sense

Aelin: don't listen to him he's just grumpy

Chaol: hey!

Aelin: Feyre, do you think Lucien can be both supreme overlord of puppies and king or sarcastic hotness?

Feyre: the only word in that sentance that is true about Lucien is sarcastic

Aelin: come on he's hot with all that ginger hair

Feyre: I'll admit he's partially attractive

Lysandra: Aelin! He is so hot I'm dying of heat exhaustion over here!

Chaol: and they just discuss you like your chocolate cake

Aelin: oh we are much more serious when it comes to discussing chocolate cake.

Dorian: and puppies?

Lysandra: when we're discussing puppies we put on our best gowns and sit in the throne room with over priced chocolates and sip tea

Aedion: really?

Lysandra: no! We lock Rowan out of Aelins chambers until he agrees on everything we say!

Rowan: and they're being completely serious about that

Lucien: we should try that on Tamlin, Feyre

Feyre: but instead of talking can we just skip to the chocolates?

Lucien: you can. Meanwhile I will be making Tam my slave

Feyre: good luck with that

Dorian: oh look, a moth

Manon: oh look, the moth just died!

Dorian: poor moth, I should bury it

Manon: or I could just eat it!

Chaol: ...

Aelin: filthy witch! Evangeline if Lysandra ever told you to stay away from witches then listen to her

Dorian: Manon's a nice witch Aelin

Aelin: she just ate a moth

Dorian: and now its in heaven with Rowans long hair


Well that seems like a good place to end it

I think we see what happened there

It want even half way amusing but I like chats


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