the beginning of justice

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            “Miss Morris, please stay after class briefly.” Mr Sparks said as the bell rang. So I packed up and stayed in my seat.

            “When is your appointment?” He asked me. I cock my head confused.

            “Appointment for what?” I ask.

            “To get rid of it.” My heart sank, I knew that he wouldn’t want the baby, but who does he think he is telling me to have an abortion?

            “You’re kidding, right? I’m not having an abortion! I’m keeping this baby!”

            “You’re insane! You can’t look after a baby on your own, and I am sure as hell not helping you! The best thing for both of us is to get rid of it now, before it can ruin either of our lives!” Mr Sparks hissed at me.

            “You don’t know me very well Mr Sparks! I can do this, I can do this without your help. I don’t need you! I hope you rot in hell where you belong, Mr Sparks!” I snarled as I walked out the door.

I walked straight to Mrs White’s office.

            “I need to speak with Mrs White urgently.” I said to the office lady. She looked at me, judging my seriousness I suppose.

            “What’s your name? And what do you need to see her for?” She asked me.

            “My name is Tricia Morris, and I would rather discuss that with Mrs White. It is very urgent though.” I replied tightly, trying not to scream at her to get the principal immediately. The office lady poked her head into Mrs White’s office for a minute before returning to her desk.

            “Take a seat, she’ll be with you in a minute or so.” I nodded and sat. Two whole minutes later, not that I was complaining, Mrs White opened her office door and waved me in before her.

            “What can I help you with Miss...?”

            “Morris. I came to report that a month ago on my birthday, and while very drunk I might add,” Mrs White sighed.

            “Please get to the point Miss Morris, I was under the impression that this was important, ‘urgent’ even.” I frowned at her for interrupting me.

            “It is important and urgent, if you had let me finish I would have told you that I slept with Mr Sparks!” I spat at her. Mrs White’s eyebrows disappeared into her hairline.

            “I beg your pardon? That seems highly unlikely!” She retorted. I shrugged.

            “I have proof, you just can’t have it yet.” I said comfortably.

            “If I can’t have it yet, it is likely to be fabricated.” I snorted upon hearing that and reached into my bag to find my copy of the sonogram.

            “Oh it’s being manufactured as we speak, but you’ll find it beyond reproach.” I state cryptically before I hand her the sonogram.

            “As I said, I have proof; you just can’t have it yet.” Mrs White took a deep breath.

            “You do know that I’ll need to investigate this don’t you?” I nodded comfortably. “You do also realise that I need to call your parents about this?” I had suspected as much, and nodded while looking at my knees.

            “Your parents don’t know, do they?” She asked me kindly.

            “Mum knows that I’m pregnant. I’ve never met my Dad, he wanted nothing to do with me. But Mum doesn’t know about Mr Sparks, it’s fine though.” I said with a small, but genuine smile. Mrs White nodded at me before picking up the phone and dialling the house number. I tried to remember what shift Mum is working at the moment, and failed. I shook my head indicating that I have no idea where would be the best place to contact her. But Mum must have been at home, as she answered after only a few rings. I tuned out the conversation.

            “Tricia, I told her that the situation would be explained when she got here. I didn’t want to tell her over the phone.” I nodded my thanks. I think I’m starting to go into shock, she’s going to want to know why I am doing this now rather than a month ago. And all I am is numb, not really hearing, or seeing. Mrs White goes out to the front office and speaks to the office lady briefly.

            “I have rescheduled my appointments for the rest of the day; so that we can hopefully get this as cleared up as possible today.” She said when she returned. I nodded.

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