The game board shifts which makes being an adult hard

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            “And now Mr Sparks I have some questions that I would like for you to answer. First Tricia says that she was so inebriated that she doesn’t remember anything between leaving the bar and waking up hung-over. Just exactly how intoxicated were you? Do you remember anything between leaving the bar and waking up?” Mrs White was interrogating Mr Sparks. Mr Sparks seems to be in a cooperative frame of mind since finding out that DNA will prove that he slept with me. Mr Sparks, still looking rather grey, nodded.

            “I remember everything. I had plenty to drink, it was a case of beer goggles making me see something different; at the time she didn’t look like Tricia.” He said quietly.

            “Is that so Mr Sparks?” Mrs White asked rhetorically, “See Tricia, doesn’t have a ‘beer goggles’ memory from before leaving the bar. She told me that she never saw your face until the next morning, because you stayed out of her line of sight. Which leads me to believe that, whether you had a few drinks or not, you knew exactly who she was at the time.” Mr Sparks now turned slightly green as well as being grey, he looked most uncomfortable; and guilty. That son of a bitch! He knew! He knew exactly what he had done to me! I sat up straight and fought down the anger that wanted me to break his face with my chair.

            “Tricia, also informed me that you encouraged her to tell me what had happened the next morning.” Mrs White accused, and Mr Sparks nodded. Mrs White continued. “Because you knew that she wouldn’t.” My eyes bulged, is this true? Mr Sparks nodded. Mum had to wrap her arms around me over my own arms, to keep me from trying to hurt him.

            “She also claims that you bought her a drink or possibly more than one, her memory starts to become fuzzy at that point. Is this also true?” Mr Sparks nodded dumbly again.

            “Did you buy her a drink or drinks to encourage a level of intoxication at which her rational mind would not be working at all, because you knew that she wouldn’t have sex with you any other way?” The little colour left in Mr Sparks’ face drained away. He nodded again, and kept his head hung low in guilt.

Mrs White nodded in grim satisfaction. She turned to me.

            “Tricia, if you so desire, there is enough here to have Mr Sparks charged with rape against you.” Mrs White stated flatly, like she doesn’t want to influence my decision either way; she just wants me to be aware of my options. I cocked my head to the side thinking about it, possibly I would do that; but first I had a couple of questions of my own to ask.

            “Why were you so adamant about me having an abortion?” I asked Mr Sparks.

            “I can’t exactly have a child with a child, can I?” He spat. My anger flared.

            “Did I seem like a child while you were fucking me?” I shouted, Mr Sparks visibly recoiled; he had no idea how righteously angry I am, until now.

            “Tell me Mr Sparks,” I sneered, “Was I even conscious?”

            “Yes.” He whispered, which makes me think that I was barely conscious. Mum was shuddering in disgust; I only hoped that she wouldn’t hate me too much. Mrs White took in deep breath and held it for a moment. I took a deep breath myself, and released it in a big sigh.

            “Mrs White,” She turned to me, I had her full attention. “I would like to file charges.” Mrs White nodded, Mum whispered in my ear, “Are you sure sweetheart? You would have a hard time keeping this quiet if you press charges.” I ripped out of Mum’s grasp.

            “How could you say that? You’re supposed to be my Mum! Look what keeping quiet about it has already done. I don’t want him free to do this to anyone else.” I shouted. I saw both Mum and Mr Sparks recoil from my shouting. Mrs White looked at me with pride, then she picked up the phone and called the police.

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