the villain is confronted

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“What’s the matter Tricia? Why are you in with the principal?” Mum asked when she arrived. I started crying.

            “I told Mrs White about the baby.” Mrs White cleared her throat at that point and said, “And the father.” Mum’s head snapped up, she looked between Mrs White and me.

            “What about the father?” Mum asked. I gulped, and looked down at my feet. I glanced up at Mrs White.

            “Tricia claims that the father of her child is Mr Sparks.” I sent a small smile of thanks to Mrs White. Mum rounded on me.

            “You slept with your teacher?”She asked me, and I quailed under her stare. I nodded, “But I swear I didn’t know until the next morning!”

            “How?” Mum demanded. “How could you not know?”

            “I was really drunk, I was dancing; I didn’t notice that Matt and Lucy were hooking up at the table. Then there was this guy behind me, and we danced for ages. He bought me a drink, or was it two... I don’t remember.” I wailed. “Matt and Lucy must have seen me dancing with someone before he bought me a drink, because Lucy text me saying that her and Matt had left to go back to his place. But I didn’t get the text until I was leaving with the guy I had been dancing with. The next thing I remember is waking up feeling hung-over and sick, before realising that I didn’t know where I was and I was naked. I swear I didn’t know before!” I started sobbing. What if they didn’t believe me? I started sobbing harder.

Mum grabbed me and held me tight.

            “Sshhh my darling. It’s alright, I understand now. Sshh, you weren’t to know.”

            “We should have told a month ago, he said we should...” I sobbed.

            “Why didn’t you tell someone at the time?” Mrs White asked gently.

            “He said we should, I didn’t want him to get fired; but mostly I didn’t want to get suspended. I said that we shouldn’t tell.” That got Mrs White’s attention.

            “Tricia, you say that you never saw his face until the morning after, and that Mr Sparks said that you should tell me?” Mrs White asked. I nodded.

That son of a bitch! Dylan Sparks knew what he was doing when he slept with that girl! I walked into the office.

            “Mrs White, I thought you wanted to be left undisturbed after Ms Morris arrived?” Ann asked.

            “Yes. Now however, I would like you to cover Mr Sparks’ classes for the rest of the day, and send him in to me.” Ann looked very confused.

            “Ok, I’ll just look up his timetable and find him.” I nod and return to my office to deal with this thoroughly unexpected and unwanted situation in my office.

“Tricia, I know why you didn’t tell me or anyone else before; but I really need to know why you are telling me now.” Mrs White asked me.

            “He showed his true colours.” I replied.

            “Were you maintaining a relationship with Mr Sparks in the interim?” She asked curiously. I shook my head.

            “No. I don’t feel that way about him, I never have.” Mrs White nodded.

            “Can you explain what you meant about him showing his true colours?” She asked me. Tears were still streaking down my face.

            “I told him, sort of. I gave him the other scan picture yesterday. Then today he asked me when I had my appointment to get an abortion. He said that I can’t have a baby and raise it on my own. He said that he wouldn’t help me. And I realised that I have absolutely no reason to protect him.” Mum held me a bit tighter, and Mrs White nodded while getting up to open the door.

            “Welcome Mr Sparks. I trust you know why you are here?” Mrs White said, and I gasped, I hadn’t thought that I would have to be in the same room as him for this. Mum pulled me close to her, instinctively trying to keep me away from Mr Sparks.

            “Oh by all means enlighten me.” Mr Sparks drawled.

            “Miss Morris alleges that on the night of her birthday, and while very drunk, she slept with you; only to find out the next morning that it was you specifically that she had slept with, as she has no memory of the event.” Mrs White explained.

            “Well that is pure fabrication. Does she have any proof?” He asked, obviously not expecting what would happen next.

            “As a matter of fact she does.” Mrs White said, then she showed him my copy of the ultrasound picture.

            “All that tells you is that she slept with somebody, it doesn’t have to be me.” Mr Sparks stated quite calmly, while I’m quaking in my figurative boots.

            “You’re quite right, for now. When that child is born Miss Morris will need to have a paternity test done in order to compel the father of her baby to pay child support.” Mrs White countered smoothly, and I watched as Mr Sparks’ face turned grey. He clearly hadn’t thought about being compelled to pay child support, he obviously thought of it as a voluntary thing.

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