CH 20

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Tom scrambled for a way to explain the holographic video floating over his table. "Morning honey, I was just talking to Ana on voice chat. Remember, she's one of my game friends."

Naomi moved closer to him, "Voice chat? That doesn't look like voice chat to me."  She sat down next to him with her eyes glued to the hologram. "That's amazing. Do you use that for your new company?"

"Yes. Ana gave it to me," Tom said and then immediately regretted he said that.

"Ana, your game friend, that you woke up early to talk to while I was sleeping, gave you this expensive hi-tech gadget?"  Naomi stood up and crossed her arms defiantly.

Tom struggled to find a way to recover. "Well, you see, she's working with me now."

"Working with you?" Naomi's expression changed from one of confusion to one of anger. "Would you like to tell me why she's working with you?"

"Well, it's kind of hard to explain."

"Is there something going on between you two?"

"You don't understand," Tom said, completely frustrated about how this was going.

She glared at him. "Oh wait, now I think I see, so is that who you've been sleeping with while I was gone?"

The idea of him having sex with Ana struck him as funny. Tom rolled his eyes and tried to stifle a laugh but ended up laughing anyway. "No, I'm not sleeping with Ana. It's actually been very lonely around here without you."

He reached his arms around Naomi and drew her back onto the sofa although she resisted and tried halfheartedly to push him away. "Maybe it's time for you to meet her so you can see what we've been doing."

She gave him a dirty look and said, "Why, are you trying to get a threesome going?"

He laughed again and started tickling her. "Wow, you really have sex on the brain. Maybe I need to take you back to bed and get that worked out."

Naomi giggled then pushed him back. "Ok, maybe I'm over reacting, but you have to admit, it doesn't look good."

He smiled at her. "I know but give me a chance to explain."

"Ok, you can start with this," she said gesturing at the hologram projector. "I hope that doesn't have a camera on because if you're broadcasting me all over the internet dressed like this, I'm going to be pissed."

"Don't worry. I'm not using a web cam". Although, he suspected Ana recorded everything that went on around him. It was best to not mention that to Naomi. Let her draw her own conclusions after she found out about Ana.

"Well, I'm going outside for a smoke while you finish your little chat with your friend."  She put on a pair of his shorts and went out to the back patio with coffee and a pack of cigarettes in hand.

Tom followed her out and pulled a chair. He thought he might have an idea of how to tell her what was going on. It was a little drastic but drastic measures might be just what was needed.

"Done already?" she asked as he sat down next to her.

"I'll finish with Ana later," Tom said. Excitement began to build in him as the plan took on more form. It was simple. The best plans always where, but there would be no turning back if he did this. After a pause to think it over again, he made up his mind. He could barely contain his excitement now.

"What are you grinning about?" Naomi said.

"I think the best way to explain what Ana and I are doing is to just show you." He put his fingers together to make a tee-pee and looked off into the distance. "Yes, I think a demonstration is in order. Then you'll understand why I've been acting this way."

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