Mastim's Curse

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Mastim's Curse is my next project and I have started uploading it. It's not related to the Ana series but is the start of a new and exciting series.

 There is a part of me so dark that I have never looked fully upon it out of fear that I might lose myself in it completely. However, there are times when it seems to grow and reach out for me. Calling... no, daring me to embrace it... as it is doing now. It is at these times that bad things happen to me and to those around me. Maybe I should lock myself up when I feel like this, but I don't.

Nicole is lead into the deviant and sadistic world of a crime lord that kidnaps several of the most famous celebrities in the world and offers them as sexual prizes to those that would risk their lives for the chance to do as they please with them.

Nicole didn't want to be a part of this, but the darkness inside of her couldn't resist.

Nicole's inner darkness draws her into the world of a deviant crime boss where she must come to terms with her budding powers and her own adult desires.

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