CH 33

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The three of them stood outside the American Hospital of Paris on an unusually cold day. The hospital was founded in 1906 by Dr. A.J. Magnin and Harry Antony van Bergen to provide American students, residents and tourists access to American trained doctors while here in France. The red brick hospital had a staff of over four hundred, a few of which worked undercover for the CIA. It was a closely guarded secret that this is where America agents came for job related medical treatment in Europe. Otherwise, being treated for a gunshot wound might draw unnecessary attention.

Heidi was dressed in her normal business attire but Naomi had put a lot of effort to wear the fashion popular in France this season and looked very chic as they waited for her to finish her cigarette before going in. The purple smoke had the light aroma of plums. Heidi suspected that Naomi could make millions if she ever tried to market those.

Naomi exhaled one last puff before tossing her cigarette into the receptacle at the entrance. "Were still going to eat at that restaurant on top of the Eiffel Tower when we're done here right?"

Tom held open the door for them to enter. "Yes, I'm sure it's going to be very exciting."

Heidi didn't think Tom was acting like he was looking forward to their day in Paris. His demeanor was quite the opposite in fact as they walked into the main entrance and across the aged green marble floor to the front desk. He had been moody during the entire trip down. For her part, she was nervous. So much was at stake here.

Tom stepped up to the receptionist and said. "Hello, I'm Mike Peterson with the ENCO Corporation here to see Dr. Pierpont."

"A moment please while I ring his secretary," the red haired girl said with a heavy French accent.

Heidi looked around the lobby trying not to look suspicious. There were only a few people scattered about, none of which looked unusual or seemed to be watching them. She saw one surveillance camera swing in their direction though. There was no way to know if they would be recognized by whoever happened to be posted at the security desk today. With luck they would play this smart and not come rushing in with guns drawn if they did recognize her. She had seen how Tom responded to that in the park and didn't want to ever see it again. She looked directly at the camera and made the signal that identified her as an agent working under cover. She felt a drop of sweat run down her side and took a deep breath to try and calm herself. Control... she needed to control her body and her reactions if this was going to work out right.

The receptionist spoke with someone in French on the phone then said, "Yes, Dr. Pierpont is expecting you in room 600. You can reach it using the lift right over there."  She pointed to her left.

Heidi followed Tom and Naomi to the elevator and when they entered the elevator, she positioned herself in front of Naomi to protect her if there was any shooting when the doors opened. She owed her that much for saving her life at the park. She watched the floor number go from four to five, and then when it hit six, she held her breath as the doors opened.

The hall was empty. She forced herself to start breathing again and then realized Tom had said something she missed. "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

Tom stepped off the elevator. "How long has it been since you've seen Dr. Pierpont?"

She followed him down the hall which was lined with gilded frames containing paintings of previous hospital directors. Their dark and serious eyes seemed to follow them as they passed.

"Three years." Heidi remembered the trip with her father with a mixture of sweetness and melancholy. It was the last trip they had made together. Tear's threatened to come like a storm on the horizon as the memories continued to come unwanted to her. She fought off the storm and continued to follow Tom until they reached a small lobby with an attractive lady sitting at behind a large antique desk.

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