CH 37

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Dr. Paul Pierpont rushed back to his office and grabbing his phone after Tom and the others went down the lift. He punched the number to be used in case of emergency.

 "Yes?" a voice on the other end said.

 "It's a cold day in hell here at the hospital." He had never expected to use that code. It was to be used only if an agent had intimate contact with aliens.

 "Confirm." the voice demanded.

 "It's a cold day in hell at the hospital," he repeated.

 "How many demons?" the voice asked.

 "Two, along with the fallen angel. They left a package and are heading out now. Repeat, they left a package. Request truck and escort for immediate pick up. Package is hot repeat, package is extremely hot."

 "Roger." There was a pause then, "Heavy courier with bells and whistles will be in route soon, ETA one hour. You are to escort package to its final destination, copy?"

 "Yes, I copy," he said. It looks like he was going on a trip. His wife would not be happy.

 "Report back as necessary, out."

 His next call was to head of security for CIA operations in the hospital, Capt. Dave Hamilton. Dave was Special Forces and had been assigned here after two combat tours of duty in the Middle East. A fact which Dave reminded everyone of every chance he got. Paul didn't like the arrogant ass but he had no choice but to get him involved in this.

 "Dave we have a situation. Heidi Vanderbilt was just in my office with two others."

 "I know. We've been monitoring them ever since they entered the building," the Captain replied in a gruff voice.

 Paul was suddenly angry. "Why didn't you inform me before they got to my office?"

 "Their presence in the building was on a need to know basis and until they went to your office, you didn't need to know."

 The man was unfathomable. Paul managed to control his temper and focus on what was important. "She and the others left here a few moments ago and should be almost to the main lobby by now."

 Don't worry, "My men will take them when they exit the building."

 He wanted to do what he could for Heidi but he had little control over the security forces here. "No, wait. We should follow them and see if they lead us to their base."

 "Don't worry. I'll make them tell us everything they know after we capture them, Hamilton out."

 The line went dead. Paul cursed and called him back but the line was busy now. He cursed again and ran out of his office waving to get his secretary's attention.

 "Tell Nicole I need her in room 325 immediately." he said as he ran past her and into the elevator where he repeatedly pressed the number three button, as if that would make the lift move faster.

 When the lift finally arrived at the third floor, he rushed out and ran straight into a young girl dressed in a volunteer worker uniform. The impact knocked her to the floor spilling papers in all directions and he landed hard on his elbow sending a painful jolt up his arm.

 Once he recovered enough to speak, he said, "Pardon me. I am so sorry." He regained his balance and rubbed his elbow to ease the sharp pain there. He started to head in the direction of room 325 but paused when he realized the girl wasn't getting up.

 He knelt down next to her. "Are you hurt?"

 "I don't know," she mumbled with her hand on her head. Then her dazed look changed to one of anger. "What's wrong with you, running crazy like that in a hospital?"

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