Chapter 8: Confrontation

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Dustin's POV

"Loissa?" I said as I squinted my eyes to make sure I wasn't trippin'.

"D, did you invite her?" Patrick asked.

"No; I didn't even tell her where we'd be," I said. She started looking around and noticed us and made her way to our section.

"Hey baby," she said as he came over and hugged me.

"Um, hi, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I felt really bad about earlier, and I thought I'd come and apologize and make it up to you," she said.

"How did you know I'd be here?" I reiterated.

She bit her lip. "I tracked your phone."

Now, I was straight pissed. Not only was she here trying to ruin my time with Faith and make everything about her, but now she was tracking my phone.

"Why are you tracking my phone? Do you not trust me?" I asked.

"When you're around her, you don't give me any reason to trust you. But if you were with me tonight, I wouldn't have to track your phone," she said as she tried to kiss me. I moved my face.

I moved her off my lap and stood up. "Are you kidding me? You're here trying to make sure I'm not cheating on you? You're here trying to ruin my time with Faith. How is that not giving you reason to trust me?

"Like I said on the phone earlier, you're always there for her through everything, and I see how you look at her and act around her. You love her," she said as she stood up and got in my face.

"She's my best friend. I'm trying to be there for her as much as I can. I've known her for 6 years; our relationship has always been strong, and you're trying to ruin that, why? I have no fucking idea. You need to go," I yelled. "We're all trying to help her de-stress, and you being here is just adding on more of it.

At that, she got really mad. "You want to help her de-stress? How about you buy her fat ass a fucking gym membership. She'll lose weight and she'll have a man so she can stop trying to take mine." I was way passed pissed. I was really about to let her have all of it. I didn't care if we broke up or not; she didn't have any right to disrespect my baby girl like that. I was so fired up, I didn't even realize that Faith was standing there listening to the whole thing.

She had a calm look on her face. I didn't know if she was upset or if she just didn't give a fuck. She walked up toward us with her drink in her hand.

She just laughed. "Honey, you can call me fat all day. I really don't give a fuck. I've been called fat my whole entire life. The older I got, the less of a fuck I gave. I've overcome a lot these past several years. You aren't the first person, and you certainly won't be the last. Second, I am in a gym and I don't need your man to pay my membership; I have my own money, thank you. Third, like I told you a few years back, I'm single by choice; I really don't get what part of that you're not understanding. And last but not least, you're the one that's going to be single because your ass can't trust your man. You're the one that's insecure. So let me go ahead and clarify for you. He doesn't want you here; so take your skimpy dress-wearing ass and get the hell out of here, otherwise within the next 3 seconds, this cranberry vodka is going to be burning the hell out of your eyes and staining the hell out of that beautiful white dress."

Loissa scoffed. "Wow, so you're going to throw a drink at me instead of being a real woman."

"Loissa, you don't even know what a real woman is; you show up here out of insecurity because you think your man is cheating. You track his phone, you say you don't trust him, and you're constantly on some type of bullshit. A real woman trusts her man, she won't track his phone, and follow him where ever he goes, and she wouldn't pull any petty bullshit like you're doing right now, and she certainly wouldn't be trying to put others down. There are some real women here, and you're not one of 'em. Also, you're lucky as hell that it would've been a drink to your face rather than my fists; I know how to fight, and I won't hesitate to show you what woman is. Now, you better listen to your so-called man and get your ass outta here," she said as she clenched her drink in her hand.

Can I Love You?  A Dustin And Kelly FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant